
Gatsby theme to create stories documentation sites

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import componentControlsGatsbyThemeStories from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@component-controls/gatsby-theme-stories';


Table of contents

In action

Example site


Gatsby theme for documenting your projects with component controls

  • Gatsby theme quick start.
  • Full UI configurability with components shadowing.

Special thanks for the inspiration drawn from Gatsby themes.

Getting started with gatsby



react component

defined in @types/react-helmet/types/react-helmet/index.d.ts


Name Type Parent
async boolean | undefined HelmetProps
base any HelmetProps
ref: LegacyRef | undefined
key: Key | null | undefined
defaultChecked: boolean | undefined
defaultValue: string | number | ReadonlyArray<string> | undefined
suppressContentEditableWarning: boolean | undefined
suppressHydrationWarning: boolean | undefined
accessKey: string | undefined
className: string | undefined
contentEditable: Booleanish | "inherit" | undefined
contextMenu: string | undefined
dir: string | undefined
draggable: Booleanish | undefined
hidden: boolean | undefined
id: string | undefined
lang: string | undefined
placeholder: string | undefined
slot: string | undefined
spellCheck: Booleanish | undefined
style: CSSProperties | undefined
tabIndex: number | undefined
title: string | undefined
translate: "yes" | "no" | undefined
radioGroup: string | undefined
role: AriaRole | undefined
about: string | undefined
datatype: string | undefined
inlist: any
prefix: string | undefined
property: string | undefined
resource: string | undefined
typeof: string | undefined
vocab: string | undefined
autoCapitalize: string | undefined
autoCorrect: string | undefined
autoSave: string | undefined
color: string | undefined
itemProp: string | undefined
itemScope: boolean | undefined
itemType: string | undefined
itemID: string | undefined
itemRef: string | undefined
results: number | undefined
security: string | undefined
unselectable: "on" | "off" | undefined
inputMode: "none" | "text" | "tel" | "url" | "email" | "numeric" | "decimal" | "search" | undefined
is: string | undefined
aria-activedescendant: string | undefined
aria-atomic: Booleanish | undefined
aria-autocomplete: "none" | "inline" | "list" | "both" | undefined
aria-busy: Booleanish | undefined
aria-checked: boolean | "false" | "mixed" | "true" | undefined
aria-colcount: number | undefined
aria-colindex: number | undefined
aria-colspan: number | undefined
aria-controls: string | undefined
aria-current: boolean | "false" | "true" | "page" | "step" | "location" | "date" | "time" | undefined
aria-describedby: string | undefined
aria-details: string | undefined
aria-disabled: Booleanish | undefined
aria-dropeffect: "none" | "copy" | "execute" | "link" | "move" | "popup" | undefined
aria-errormessage: string | undefined
aria-expanded: Booleanish | undefined
aria-flowto: string | undefined
aria-grabbed: Booleanish | undefined
aria-haspopup: boolean | "false" | "true" | "menu" | "listbox" | "tree" | "grid" | "dialog" | undefined
aria-hidden: Booleanish | undefined
aria-invalid: boolean | "false" | "true" | "grammar" | "spelling" | undefined
aria-keyshortcuts: string | undefined
aria-label: string | undefined
aria-labelledby: string | undefined
aria-level: number | undefined
aria-live: "off" | "assertive" | "polite" | undefined
aria-modal: Booleanish | undefined
aria-multiline: Booleanish | undefined
aria-multiselectable: Booleanish | undefined
aria-orientation: "horizontal" | "vertical" | undefined
aria-owns: string | undefined
aria-placeholder: string | undefined
aria-posinset: number | undefined
aria-pressed: boolean | "false" | "mixed" | "true" | undefined
aria-readonly: Booleanish | undefined
aria-relevant: "additions" | "additions removals" | "additions text" | "all" | "removals" | "removals additions" | "removals text" | "text" | "text additions" | "text removals" | undefined
aria-required: Booleanish | undefined
aria-roledescription: string | undefined
aria-rowcount: number | undefined
aria-rowindex: number | undefined
aria-rowspan: number | undefined
aria-selected: Booleanish | undefined
aria-setsize: number | undefined
aria-sort: "none" | "ascending" | "descending" | "other" | undefined
aria-valuemax: number | undefined
aria-valuemin: number | undefined
aria-valuenow: number | undefined
aria-valuetext: string | undefined
children: ReactNode | undefined
dangerouslySetInnerHTML: type | undefined
onCopy: ClipboardEventHandler | undefined
onCopyCapture: ClipboardEventHandler | undefined
onCut: ClipboardEventHandler | undefined
onCutCapture: ClipboardEventHandler | undefined
onPaste: ClipboardEventHandler | undefined
onPasteCapture: ClipboardEventHandler | undefined
onCompositionEnd: CompositionEventHandler | undefined
onCompositionEndCapture: `CompositionEventHandle