
Module for fixing capitalization of people's names

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import compwrightNamecase from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@compwright/namecase';



Build Status

A Javascript library for fixing the capitalization of people's names.

It is heavily based on the Perl Lingua-EN-NameCase module.


namecase provides two functions:

nameCase.checkName() which returns true if the name is in all UPPERCASE or lowercase.

nameCase(string or array, { individualFields: boolean }) returns a properly capitalized name.

The option individualFields defaults to false which works best when the person's names are combined into a single field. If individualFields is set to true, it means you're passing in given and surnames separately. The only difference between these two options is with individualFields set to false, the first character is always capitalized.

Namecase can also be executed from the command line via namecase, which accepts data from STDIN and outputs the formatted names to STDOUT.

Usage Examples


<script src="https://unpkg.com/@compwright/namecase@latest/dist/namecase.min.js"></script>
  console.log(window.namecase('GEORGE WASHINGTON'));


const nameCase = require('@compwright/namecase');
console.log(nameCase('WILLIAM MCKINLEY'));

Command line

$ npm install -g @compwright/namecase
$ namecase < input.txt > ouput.txt