
HTML input made with Web Components

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import conectateCtInput from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@conectate/ct-input';



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Input web component


yarn add @conectate/ct-input
npm i @conectate/ct-input



<ct-input active="true"></ct-input>

On LitElement with typescript

import { LitElement, html, property, customElement, css } from "lit";

export class CtMain extends LitElement {
    @property({ type: Boolean, reflect: true }) active = true;
    static styles = css`
        :host {
            display: block;

    render() {
        return html`<ct-input label="Name" placeholder="Put your name" rawPlaceholcer="John Doe"></ct-input>`;



Property Attribute Type Default Description
accept accept string ""
autocomplete autocomplete "on" \| "off" \| "additional-name" \| "address-level1" \| "address-level2" \| "address-level3" \| "address-level4" \| "address-line1" \| "address-line2" \| "address-line3" \| "bday" \| ... 50 more ... \| "work" "off"
autofocus autofocus boolean false
charCounter charCounter boolean false -
countChar countChar number 0 Total chars on input
disabled disabled boolean false -
errorMessage errorMessage string "" Mensaje de error al no complir con el pattern
inputmode inputmode "" \| "email" \| "tel" \| "url" \| "verbatim" \| "latin" \| "latin-name" \| "latin-prose" \| "full-width-latin" \| "kana" \| "kana-name" \| "katakana" \| "numeric" ""
invalid boolean
label label string "" Change default icon to whatever you like
max max string ""
maxlength maxlength number "MAX_SAFE_INTEGER" Max length on input
min min string ""
minlength minlength number 0
multiple multiple boolean false
name name string ""
noHover noHover boolean false Do not show any effects when hovering the searchbox
pattern pattern string \| RegExp "" regexp
placeholder placeholder string "" Placeholder text when searchbox is empty
raiseForced raiseForced boolean false Always raise the searchbox whether it is active or not, or whether is has value or not
raiseOnActive raiseOnActive boolean false Raise searchbox is it's focused
raiseOnValue raiseOnValue boolean false Raise searchbox if it has value
rawPlaceholder rawPlaceholder string "" Placeholder text when searchbox is empty
readonly readonly boolean false
required required boolean false -
size size number 24
step step string ""
type type string "text" Input type
value string


Method Type Description
mapIDs (): void Map all IDs for shadowRoot and save in this.$ like a polymer element.
You should add in the first line of firstUpdated()
validate (): boolean Validate required input


Name Description
prefix Content placed start the main content
suffix Content placed end the main content