
Beautiful, ultra simple, stateless, validated forms for use in React function components.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cordeltaReactFormsMaterial from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@cordelta/react-forms-material';



Beautiful, ultra simple, stateless, validated forms for use in React function components.

A demo is available at https://cordeltadigital.github.io/react-forms-material/.


yarn add @cordelta/react-forms-material


import React from 'react'
import { Form, Text, Select, Radio, Checkbox, Submit } from '@cordelta/react-forms-material'

export default ({ onSubmit, initialValues }) => (
  <Form onSubmit={onSubmit} values={initialValues}>
    <Text name="name" label="Name" required minLength="5" maxLength="50" />
    <Text name="description" label="Description" multiline maxLength="100" />
    <Select name="type" label="Type" values={['', 'Widget', 'Component']} required />
    <Radio name="rating" label="Rating" values={[1, 2, 3]} row />
    <Checkbox name="urgent" label="Urgent" />


Core Components


All input components must be contained within a Form component.


Name Type Description
values object Object containing initial values for form elements
onSubmit function(values) A callback to be executed when the corresponding Submit component is clicked

All other props are passed on to the underlying form element.


Renders a Material UI Button component that triggers the closest Form component's onSubmit callback.


All props are passed on to the underlying Button component.


A pass through of the Material UI Button component for convenience.

Field Components

Field components are constructed by wrapping a Material UI InputLabel component, a form component and FormHelperText component within a FormControl component, similar to a TextField component.

All field components can be passed the following props:

Name Type Description
name string Specifies the name of the property to populate with the field value (required)
label string Text on the field's label
value any Initial value for the field. The DOM API will generally cast this to a string
helperText string Specifies the helper text for the field

The following props are passed to the parent FormControl component:

Name Type Description
className string Class name to apply to the component
fullWidth boolean Specifies that the field should occupy the full width of its parent
variant string Corresponds to the variant prop of a FormControl. One of standard, outlined or filled
margin string Corresponds to the margin prop of a FormControl. One of none, dense or normal. Most fields, except Text default to normal

All other props are passed to the input component, as described below.


Renders a field component with a Material UI Input component as the input component.


Renders a field component with a Material UI Select component as the input component. Options are specified using the props below and are rendered as MenuItem components.


Name Type Description
values array(any) Specifies the values to use for each option. The DOM API casts these to strings
labels array(string) Specifies the labels to use for each corresponding option in the values array. If not specified, entries from the values array are used.


Renders a field component with a Material UI RadioGroup component as the input component. Options are specified using the props below and are rendered as RadioButton components, described in the next section.


Name Type Description
values array(any) Specifies the values to use for each option. The DOM API casts these to strings
labels array(string) Specifies the labels to use for each corresponding option in the values array. If not specified, entries from the values array are used


Renders a field component with a Material UI Radio component as the input component.


Renders a field component with a Material UI Checkbox component as the input component.