
Cordova Plugin AGC AppMessaging

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cordovaPluginAgconnectAppmessaging from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@cordova-plugin-agconnect/appmessaging';


Cordova Plugin AGC App Messaging


1. Introduction

This plugin enables communication between Huawei App Messaging SDK and Cordova platform. It exposes all functionality provided by Huawei App Messaging SDK.

2. Installation Guide

Before you get started, you must register as a HUAWEI Developer and complete identity verification on the HUAWEI Developer website. For details, please refer to Register a HUAWEI ID.

2.1. Creating a Project in AppGallery Connect

Creating an app in AppGallery Connect is required in order to communicate with the Huawei services. To create an app, perform the following steps:

  1. Sign in to AppGallery Connect and select My projects.
  2. Select your project from the project list or create a new one by clicking the Add Project button.
  3. Go to Project settings > General information, and click Add App. If an app exists in the project, and you need to add a new one, expand the app selection area on the top of the page and click Add App.
  4. On the Add App page, enter the app information, and click OK.

2.2. Obtaining agconnect-services.json and agconnect-services.plist

  1. Sign in to AppGallery Connect and select your project from My Projects. Then go to Project settings > General information. In the App information field,

    • If platform is Android, click agconnect-services.json button to download the configuration file.
    • If platform is iOS, click agconnect-services.plist button to download the configuration file.

2.3. Cordova

  1. Install Cordova CLI.

    npm install -g cordova
  2. Create a new Cordova project or use existing Cordova project.

    • To create new Cordova project, you can use cordova create path [id [name [config]]] [options] command. For more details please follow CLI Reference - Apache Cordova.
  3. Update the widget id property which is specified in the config.xml file. It must be same with client > package_name value of the agconnect-services.json and agconnect-services.plist files.

  4. Add the Android or iOS platform to the project if haven't done before.

    cordova platform add android
    cordova platform add ios
  5. Install AGC App Messaging Cordova Plugin to the project.

  • Run the following command in the root directory of your project to install it through npm.

    cordova plugin add @cordova-plugin-agconnect/appmessaging

2.3.1. iOS App Development

  1. Add agconnect-services.plist file to the app's root directory of your Xcode project.

  2. Check Signing & Capabilities tab page of your Xcode project.

  3. Run the application.

    cordova run ios --device

2.3.2. Android App Development

  1. Copy agconnect-services.json file to <project_root>/platforms/android/app directory your Android project.

  2. Run the application.

    cordova run android --device

2.4. Ionic

  1. Install Ionic CLI.

    npm install -g @ionic/cli
  2. Create a new Ionic project or use existing Ionic project.

  3. Enable the Cordova integration if haven't done before.

    ionic integrations enable cordova
  4. Update the widget id property which is specified in the config.xml file. It must be same with client > package_name value of the agconnect-services.json and agconnect-services.plist files.

  5. Set preference in your Ionic project config.xml.

    <!--platform iOS-->
     <preference name="deployment-target" value="11.0" />
     <preference name="SwiftVersion" value="5" />
  6. Add the Android or iOS platform to the project if haven't done before.

    ionic cordova platform add android
    ionic cordova platform add ios
  7. Install AGC App Messaging Cordova Plugin to the project.

    a. Run the following command in the root directory of your project to install it through npm.

    ionic cordova plugin add @cordova-plugin-agconnect/appmessaging
  8. Copy agc-appmessaging folder from node_modules/@cordova-plugin-agconnect/appmessaging/ionic/dist directory to node_modules/@ionic-native directory.

2.4.1 iOS App Development
  1. Add agconnect-services.plist file to the app's root directory of your Xcode project.

  2. Check Signing & Capabilities tab page of your Xcode project.

  3. Run the application.

    ionic cordova run ios --device
2.4.2. Android App Development
  1. Copy agconnect-services.json file to <project_root>/platforms/android/app directory your Android project.

  2. Run the application.

    ionic cordova run android --device


App Messaging Cordova Plugin currently doesn't support changing orientation. Only a single landscape or portrait layout can be used.

3. API Reference

3.1. AGCAppMessaging

Represents the message processing class.

Public Method Summary

Method Return Type Description
setFetchMessageEnable(enabled:boolean) Promise<void> Sets whether to allow the App Messaging SDK to synchronize in-app message data from the AppGallery Connect server.
setDisplayEnable(enabled:boolean) Promise<void> Sets whether to allow the App Messaging SDK to display in-app messages.
isDisplayEnable() Promise<boolean> Checks whether the App Messaging SDK is allowed to display in-app messages.
isFetchMessageEnable() Promise<boolean> Checks whether the App Messaging SDK is allowed to synchronize in-app message data from the AppGallery Connect server.
addListener(event: Events, callback: (appMessage: CardMessage or PictureMessage or BannerMessage, dismissType?: DismissType) => void) Promise<void> Adds a listener for given event value.
setForceFetch() Promise<string> Sets the forcible in-app message data obtaining flag. When the flag is enabled, you can obtain latest in-app message data from the AppGallery Connect server in real time. This method is only to support on Android Platform.
setDisplayLocation(location:Location) Promise<void> Sets the display position of a pop-up or image message.
trigger(eventId:string) Promise<void> Triggers a custom event.

Public Methods


Sets whether to allow the App Messaging SDK to synchronize in-app message data from the AppGallery Connect Server.

Name Type Description
enabled boolean Indicates whether to allow the App Messaging SDK to synchronize in-app message data from the AppGallery Connect server. The options are as follows:
true: yes
false: no.
The default value is true.
Return Type
Type Description
Promise<void> Empty Promise.
Call Example
async function setFetchMessageEnable() {
  const enabled: boolean = true;
  await AGCAppMessaging.setFetchMessageEnable(enabled);

Sets whether to allow the App Messaging SDK to display in-app messages.

Name Type Description
enabled boolean Indicates whether to allow the App Messaging SDK to display in-app messages.The options are as follows:
true: yes
false: no
The default value is true.
Return Type
Type Description
Promise<void> Empty Promise.
Call Example
async function setDisplayEnable() {
  const enabled: boolean = true;
  await AGCAppMessaging.setDisplayEnable(enabled);

Checks whether to allow the App Messaging SDK to display in-app messages.

Return Type
Type Description
Promise<boolean> Indicates whether to allow the App Messaging SDK to display in-app messages. The options are as follows:
true: yes
false: no
Call Example
async function isDisplayEnable() {
  await AGCAppMessaging.isDisplayEnable();

Checks whether to allow the App Messaging SDK to synchronize in-app message data from the AppGallery Connect Server.

Return Type
Type Description
Promise<boolean> Indicates whether to allow the App Messaging SDK to synchronize in-app message data from the AppGallery Connect server. The options are as follows:
true: yes
false: no
Call Example
async function isFetchMessageEnable() {
  await AGCAppMessaging.isFetchMessageEnable();
addListener(event: Events, callback: (appMessage: CardMessage | PictureMessage | BannerMessage, dismissType?: DismissType) => void)

Adds a listener for given event value.

Name Type Description
event Events Indicated which event listener will be added for.
callback function Callback function called when the given event is triggered.
Return Type
Type Description
Promise<void> Empty Promise.
Call Example
async function addListener() {
  await AGCAppMessaging.addListener(
    (appMessage) => {
      const id: string = appMessage.getId();

Sets the flag for whether to obtain in-app message data from the AppGallery Connect Server in real time by force.

After this method is called, the App Messaging SDK does not immediately request data from the AppGallery Connect Server. When the next trigger event takes place, the App Messaging SDK forcibly obtains in-app message data from the AppGallery Connect Server. For iOS platform: Enable the debugging mode for your app. Add the '-AGConnectDeveloperMode' launch parameter to the app scheme. Start your app in Xcode debug-mode. Notice:

  • The setForceFetch API can be used only for message testing.
  • The forcible data obtaining flag is bound to the AAID of the test device. After you uninstall and reinstall the app or clear app data on the device, the flag will be reset.
Return Type
Type Description
Promise<string> Returns string 'Enabled' if operation is successful.
Call Example
async function setForceFetch() {
    const result: string = await AGCAppMessaging.setForceFetch();

Sets the display position of a pop-up or image message.

Name Type Description
location Location Location instance.
Return Type
Type Description
Promise<void> Empty Promise.
Call Example
async function setDisplayLocation() {
  const location: Location = Location.BOTTOM;
  await AGCAppMessaging.setDisplayLocation(location);

Triggers a custom event.

Name Type Description
eventId string ID of a custom event.
Return Type
Type Description
Promise<void> Empty Promise.
Call Example
async function trigger() {
  const eventId = "OnAppForeGround";
  await AGCAppMessaging.trigger(eventId);

3.2. BannerMessage

Represents the banner message object class.

Public Method Summary

Method Return Type Description
getId() string Obtains the ID of an in-app message.
getMessageType() MessageType Obtains the message type.
getStartTime() number Obtains the start timestamp of a message.
getEndTime() number Obtains the end timestamp of a message.
getFrequencyType() number Obtains the display frequency type of a message.
getFrequencyValue() number Obtains the display frequency of a message.
getTestFlag() TestFlag Checks whether an in-app message is a test message.
getTriggerEvents() string[] Obtain the ID of a trigger event.
getBanner() Banner Obtains the banner information of a message.

Public Methods


Obtains the ID of an in-app message.

Return Type
Type Description
string Message ID.
Call Example
async function example() {
  await AGCAppMessaging.addListener(
    (appMessage) => {
      const id: string = appMessage.getId();

Obtains the message type.

Return Type
Type Description
MessageType Message type. The banner message type is MessageType.BANNER.
Call Example
async function example() {
  await AGCAppMessaging.addListener(
    (appMessage) => {
      const messageType: MessageType = appMessage.getMessageType();

Obtains the start timestamp of a message.

Return Type
Type Description
number Start timestamp of a message, accurate to milliseconds.
Call Example
async function example() {
  await AGCAppMessaging.addListener(
    (appMessage) => {
      const startTime: number = appMessage.getStartTime();

Obtains the end timestamp of a message.

Return Type
Type Description
number End timestamp of a message, accurate to milliseconds.
Call Example
async function example() {
  await AGCAppMessaging.addListener(
    (appMessage) => {
      const endTime: number = appMessage.getEndTime();

Obtains the display frequency of a message.

Return Type
Type Description
number Display frequency type of a message. The options are as follows:
1: only once.
2: once every X days. The value of X is the return value of getFrequencyValue.
3: X days per day The value of X is the return value of getFrequencyValue.
Call Example
async function example() {
  await AGCAppMessaging.addListener(
    (appMessage) => {
      const frequencyType: number = appMessage.getFrequencyType();

Obtains the display frequency limit of an in-app message.

Return Type
Type Description
number Display frequency limit of an in-app message. This parameter is valid only when getFrequencyType is set to 2 or 3.
Call Example
async function example() {
  await AGCAppMessaging.addListener(
    (appMessage) => {
      const frequencyValue: number = appMessage.getFrequencyValue();

Checks whether an in-app message is a test message.

Return Type
Type Description
TestFlag Checks whether an in-app message is a test message. The options are as follows:
1: test message
0: non-test message
Call Example
async function example() {
  await AGCAppMessaging.addListener(
    (appMessage) => {
      const testFlag: TestFlag = appMessage.getTestFlag();

A collection of in-app message trigger event types, which are selected by you in AppGallery Connect.

Return Type
Type Description
string[] A collection of in-app message trigger event types.The App Messaging SDK matches an event ID with the trigger event types of an in-app message. If the ID is in TriggerEvent, the message will be displayed.
Call Example
async function example() {
  await AGCAppMessaging.addListener(
    (appMessage) => {
      const triggerEvents: string[] = appMessage.getTriggerEvents();

Obtains the banner information of a message.

Return Type
Type Description
Banner Banner information of a message.
Call Example
async function example() {
  const banner: Banner = appMessage.getBanner();

3.3. Banner

Represents a banner message.

Public Method Summary

Method Return Type Description
getTitle() string Obtains the title of a banner message.
getTitleColor() string Obtains the title color of a banner message.
getTitleColorOpenness() number Obtains the title color transparency of a banner message.
getBody() string Obtains the body of a banner message.
getBodyColor() string Obtains the body color of a banner message.
getBodyColorOpenness() number Obtains the body color transparency of a banner message.
getBackgroundColor() string Obtains the background color of a banner message.
getBackgroundColorOpenness() number Obtains the background color transparency of a banner message.
getPictureUrl() string Obtains the image URL of a banner message.
getActionUrl() string Obtains the redirection URL in a banner message.

Public Methods


Obtains the title of a banner message.

Return Type
Type Description
string Title of a banner message.
Call Example
async function example() {
  await AGCAppMessaging.addListener(
    (appMessage) => {
      const banner: Banner = appMessage.getBanner();
      const title: string = banner.getTitle();

Obtains the title color of a banner message.

Return Type
Type Description
string Title color of a banner message.
Call Example
async function example() {
  await AGCAppMessaging.addListener(
    (appMessage) => {
      const banner: Banner = appMessage.getBanner();
      const titleColor: string = banner.getTitleColor();

Obtains the title color transparency of a banner message.

Return Type
Type Description
number Title color transparency of a banner message.
Call Example
async function example() {
  await AGCAppMessaging.addListener(
    (appMessage) => {
      const banner: Banner = appMessage.getBanner();
      const titleColorOpenness: number = banner.getTitleColorOpenness();

Obtains the body of a banner message.

Return Type
Type Description
string Body of a banner message.
Call Example
async function example() {
  await AGCAppMessaging.addListener(
    (appMessage) => {
      const banner: Banner = appMessage.getBanner();
      const body: string = banner.getBody();

Obtains the body color of a banner message.

Return Type
Type Description
string Body color of a banner message.
Call Example
async function example() {
  await AGCAppMessaging.addListener(
    (appMessage) => {
      const banner: Banner = appMessage.getBanner();
      const bodyColor: string = banner.getBodyColor();

Obtains the body color transparency of a banner message.

Return Type
Type Description
number Body color transparency of a banner message. The value ranges from 0 to 100.
Call Example
async function example() {
  await AGCAppMessaging.addListener(
    (appMessage) => {
      const banner: Banner = appMessage.getBanner();
      const bodyColorOpenness: number = banner.getBodyColorOpenness();

Obtains the background color of a banner message.

Return Type
Type Description
string Background color of a banner message, which is an RGB value.
Call Example
async function example() {
  await AGCAppMessaging.addListener(
    (appMessage) => {
      const banner: Banner = appMessage.getBanner();
      const backgroundColor: string = banner.getBackgroundColor();

Obtains the background color transparency of a banner message.

Return Type
Type Description
number Background color transparency of a banner message. The value ranges from 0 to 100.
Call Example
async function example() {
  await AGCAppMessaging.addListener(
    (appMessage) => {
      const banner: Banner = appMessage.getBanner();
      const backgroundColorOpenness: string = banner.getBackgroundColorOpenness();

Obtains the image URL of a banner message.

Return Type
Type Description
string Image URL of a banner message.
Call Example
async function example() {
  await AGCAppMessaging.addListener(
    (appMessage) => {
      const banner: Banner = appMessage.getBanner();
      const pictureUrl: string = banner.getPictureUrl();

Obtains the redirection URL in a banner message.

Return Type
Type Description
string Redirection URL in a banner message.
Call Example
async function example() {
  await AGCAppMessaging.addListener(
    (appMessage) => {
      const banner: Banner = appMessage.getBanner();
      const actionUrl: string = banner.getActionUrl();

3.4. CardMessage

Represents a pop-up message.

Public Method Summary

Method Return Type Description
getId() string Obtains the ID of an in-app message.
getMessageType() MessageType Obtains the message type.
getStartTime() number Obtains the start timestamp of a message.
getEndTime() number Obtains the end timestamp of a message.
getFrequencyType() number Obtains the display frequency type of a message.
getFrequencyValue() number Obtains the display frequency of a message.
getTestFlag() TestFlag Checks whether an in-app message is a test message.
getTriggerEvents() string[] Obtain the ID of a trigger event.
getCard() Card Obtains the card information of a pop-up message.

Public Methods


Obtains the ID of an in-app message.

Return Type
Type Description
string Message ID.
Call Example
async function example() {
  await AGCAppMessaging.addListener(
    (appMessage) => {
      const id: string = appMessage.getId();

Obtains the message type.

Return Type
Type Description
MessageType Message type. The banner message type is MessageType.CARD.
Call Example
async function example() {
  await AGCAppMessaging.addListener(
    (appMessage) => {
      const messageType: MessageType = appMessage.getMessageType();

Obtains the start timestamp of a message.

Return Type
Type Description
number Start timestamp of a message, accurate to milliseconds.
Call Example
async function example() {
  await AGCAppMessaging.addListener(
    (appMessage) => {
      const startTime: number = appMessage.getStartTime();

Obtains the end timestamp of a message.

Return Type
Type Description
number End timestamp of a message, accurate to milliseconds.
Call Example
async function example() {
  await AGCAppMessaging.addListener(
    (appMessage) => {
      const endTime: number = appMessage.getEndTime();

Obtains the display frequency of a message.

Return Type
Type Description
number Display frequency type of a message. The options are as follows:
1: only once.
2: once every X days. The value of X is the return value of getFrequencyValue.
3: X days per day The value of X is the return value of getFrequencyValue.
Call Example
async function example() {
  await AGCAppMessaging.addListener(
    (appMessage) => {
      const frequencyType: number = appMessage.getFrequencyType();

Obtains the display frequency limit of an in-app message.

Return Type
Type Description
number Display frequency limit of an in-app message. This parameter is valid only when getFrequencyType is set to 2 or 3.
Call Example
async function example() {
  await AGCAppMessaging.addListener(
    (appMessage) => {
      const frequencyValue: number = appMessage.getFrequencyValue();

Checks whether an in-app message is a test message.

Return Type
Type Description
TestFlag Checks whether an in-app message is a test message. The options are as follows:
1: test message
0: non-test message
Call Example
async function example() {
  await AGCAppMessaging.addListener(
    (appMessage) => {
      const testFlag: TestFlag = appMessage.getTestFlag();

A collection of in-app message trigger event types, which are selected by you in AppGallery Connect.

Return Type
Type Description
string[] A collection of in-app message trigger event types.The App Messaging SDK matches an event ID with the trigger event types of an in-app message. If the ID is in TriggerEvent, the message will be displayed.
Call Example
async function example() {
  await AGCAppMessaging.addListener(
    (appMessage) => {
      const triggerEvents: string[] = appMessage.getTriggerEvents();

Obtains the card information of a pop-up message.

Return Type
Type Description
Card Obtains the card information of a pop-up message.
Call Example
async function example() {
  await AGCAppMessaging.addListener(
    (appMessage) => {
      const card: Card = appMessage.getCard();

3.5. Card

Represents the card class in a pop-up message.

Public Method Summary

Method Return Type Description
getTitle() string Obtains the title of a pop-up message.
getTitleColor() string Obtains the title color of a pop-up message.
getTitleColorOpenness() number Obtains the title color transparency of a pop-up message.
getBody() string Obtains the body of a pop-up message.
getBodyColor() string Obtains the body color of a pop-up message.
getBodyColorOpenness() number Obtains the body color transparency of a pop-up message.
getBackgroundColor() string Obtains the background color of a pop-up message.
getBackgroundColorOpenness() number Obtains the background color transparency of a pop-up message.
getPortraitPictureUrl() string Obtains the URL of the portrait image for a pop-up message.
getLandscapePictureUrl() string Obtains the URL of the landscape image for a pop-up message.
getMajorButton() Button Obtains the primary button of a pop-up message.
getMinorButton() Button Obtains the secondary button of a pop-up message.

Public Methods


Obtains the title of a pop-up message.

Return Type
Type Description
string Title of a pop-up message.
Call Example
async function example() {
  await AGCAppMessaging.addListener(
    (appMessage) => {
      const card: Card = appMessage.getCard();
      const title: string = card.getTitle();

Obtains the title color of a pop-up message.

Return Type
Type Description
string Title color of a pop-up message.
Call Example
async function example() {
  await AGCAppMessaging.addListener(
    (appMessage) => {
      const card: Card = appMessage.getCard();
      const titleColor: string = card.getTitleColor();

Obtains the title color transparency of a pop-up message.

Return Type
Type Description
number Title color transparency of a pop-up message.
Call Example
async function example() {
  await AGCAppMessaging.addListener(
    (appMessage) => {
      const card: Card = appMessage.getCard();
      const titleColorOpenness: number = card.getTitleColorOpenness();

Obtains the body of a pop-up message.

Return Type
Type Description
string Body of a pop-up message.
Call Example
async function example() {
  await AGCAppMessaging.addListener(
    (appMessage) => {
      const card: Card = appMessage.getCard();
      const body: string = card.getBody();

Obtains the body color of a pop-up message.

Return Type
Type Description
string Body color of a pop-up message.
Call Example
async function example() {
  await AGCAppMessaging.addListener(
    (appMessage) => {
      const card: Card = appMessage.getCard();
      const bodyColor: string = card.getBodyColor();

Obtains the body color transparency of a pop-up message.

Return Type
Type Description
number Body color transparency of a pop-up message. The value ranges from 0 to 100.
Call Example
async function example() {
  await AGCAppMessaging.addListener(
    (appMessage) => {
      const card: Card = appMessage.getCard();
      const bodyColorOpenness: number = card.getBodyColorOpenness();

Obtains the background color of a pop-up message.

Return Type
Type Description
string Background color of a pop-up message, which is an RGB value.
Call Example
async function example() {
  await AGCAppMessaging.addListener(
    (appMessage) => {
      const card: Card = appMessage.getCard();
      const backgroundColor: string = card.getBackgroundColor();

Obtains the background color transparency of a pop-up message.

Return Type
Type Description
number Background color transparency of a pop-up message. The value ranges from 0 to 100.
Call Example
async function example() {
  await AGCAppMessaging.addListener(
    (appMessage) => {
      const card: Card = appMessage.getCard();
      const backgroundColorOpenness: string = card.getBackgroundColorOpenness();

Obtains the URL of the portrait image for a pop-up message.

Return Type
Type Description
string URL of the portrait image for a pop-up message.
Call Example
async function example() {
  await AGCAppMessaging.addListener(
    (appMessage) => {
      const card: Card = appMessage.getCard();
      const portraitPictureUrl: string = card.getPortraitPictureUrl();

Obtains the URL of the landscape image for a pop-up message.

Return Type
Type Description
string URL of the landscape image for a pop-up message.
Call Example
async function example() {
  await AGCAppMessaging.addListener(
    (appMessage) => {
      const card: Card = appMessage.getCard();
      const landscapePictureUrl: string = card.getLandscapePictureUrl();

Obtains the primary button of a pop-up message.

Return Type
Type Description
Button Primary button of a pop-up message.
Call Example
async function example() {
  await AGCAppMessaging.addListener(
    (appMessage) => {
      const card: Card = appMessage.getCard();
      const majorButton: Button = card.getMajorButton();

Obtains the secondary button of a pop-up message.

Return Type
Type Description
Button Secondary button of a pop-up message.
Call Example
async function example() {
  await AGCAppMessaging.addListener(
    (appMessage) => {
      const card: Card = appMessage.getCard();
      const minorButton: Button = card.getMinorButton();

3.6. Button

Represents a pop-up message button.

Public Method Summary

Method Return Type Description
getText() string Obtains the button name.
getTextColor() string Obtains the button name text color.
getTextColorOpenness() number Obtains the transparency of the button name text color.
getActionUrl() string Obtains the redirection URL of the button.

Public Methods


Obtains the button name.

Return Type
Type Description
string Button name.
Call Example
async function example() {
  await AGCAppMessaging.addListener(
    (appMessage) => {
      const card: Card = appMessage.getCard();
      const minorButton: Button = card.getMinorButton();
      const text: string = minorButton.getText();

Obtains the button name text color.

Return Type
Type Description
string Button name text color.
Call Example
async function example() {
  await AGCAppMessaging.addListener(
    (appMessage) => {
      const card: Card = appMessage.getCard();
      const minorButton: Button = card.getMinorButton();
      const textColor: string = minorButton.getTextColor();

Obtains the transparency of the button name text color.

Return Type
Type Description
number Transparency of the button name text color.
Call Example
async function example() {
  await AGCAppMessaging.addListener(
    (appMessage) => {
      const card: Card = appMessage.getCard();
      const minorButton: Button = card.getMinorButton();
      const textColorOpenness: string = minorButton.getTextColorOpenness();

Obtains the redirection URL of the button.

Return Type
Type Description
string Redirection URL of the button.
Call Example
async function example() {
  await AGCAppMessaging.addListener(
    (appMessage) => {
      const card: Card = appMessage.getCard();
      const minorButton: Button = card.getMinorButton();
      const actionUrl: string = minorButton.getActionUrl();

3.7. PictureMessage

Represents an image message.

Public Method Summary

Method Return Type Description
getId() string Obtains the ID of an in-app message.
getMessageType() MessageType Obtains the message type.
getStartTime() number Obtains the start timestamp of a message.
getEndTime() number Obtains the end timestamp of a message.
getFrequencyType() number Obtains the display frequency type of a message.
getFrequencyValue() number Obtains the display frequency of a message.
getTestFlag() TestFlag Checks whether an in-app message is a test message.
getTriggerEvents() string[] Obtain the ID of a trigger event.
getPicture() Picture Obtains the information of an image message.

Public Methods


Obtains the ID of an in-app message.

Return Type
Type Description
string Message ID.
Call Example
async function example() {
  await AGCAppMessaging.addListener(
    (appMessage) => {
      const id: string = appMessage.getId();

Obtains the message type.

Return Type
Type Description
MessageType Message type. The banner message type is MessageType.PICTURE.
Call Example
async function example() {
  await AGCAppMessaging.addListener(
    (appMessage) => {
      const messageType: MessageType = appMessage.getMessageType();

Obtains the start timestamp of a message.

Return Type
Type Description
number Start timestamp of a message, accurate to milliseconds.
Call Example
async function example() {
  await AGCAppMessaging.addListener(
    (appMessage) => {
      const startTime: number = appMessage.getStartTime();

Obtains the end timestamp of a message.

Return Type
Type Description
number End timestamp of a message, accurate to milliseconds.
Call Example
async function example() {
  await AGCAppMessaging.addListener(
    (appMessage) => {
      const endTime: number = appMessage.getEndTime();

Obtains the display frequency of a message.

Return Type
Type Description
number Display frequency type of a message. The options are as follows:
1: only once.
2: once every X days. The value of X is the return value of getFrequencyValue.
3: X days per day The value of X is the return value of getFrequencyValue.
Call Example
async function example() {
  await AGCAppMessaging.addListener(
    (appMessage) => {
      const frequencyType: number = appMessage.getFrequencyType();

Obtains the display frequency limit of an in-app message.

Return Type
Type Description
number Display frequency limit of an in-app message. This parameter is valid only when getFrequencyType is set to 2 or 3.
Call Example
async function example() {
  await AGCAppMessaging.addListener(
    (appMessage) => {
      const frequencyValue: number = appMessage.getFrequencyValue();

Checks whether an in-app message is a test message.

Return Type
Type Description
TestFlag Checks whether an in-app message is a test message. The options are as follows:
1: test message
0: non-test message
Call Example
async function example() {
  await AGCAppMessaging.addListener(
    (appMessage) => {
      const testFlag: TestFlag = appMessage.getTestFlag();

A collection of in-app message trigger event types, which are selected by you in AppGallery Connect.

Return Type
Type Description
string[] A collection of in-app message trigger event types.The App Messaging SDK matches an event ID with the trigger event types of an in-app message. If the ID is in TriggerEvent, the message will be displayed.
Call Example
async function example() {
  await AGCAppMessaging.addListener(
    (appMessage) => {
      const triggerEvents: string[] = appMessage.getTriggerEvents();

Obtains the information of an image message.

Return Type
Type Description
Picture Information of an image message.
Call Example
async function example() {
  await AGCAppMessaging.addListener(
    (appMessage) => {
      const picture: Picture = appMessage.getPicture();

3.8. Picture

Represents the information of an image message.

Public Method Summary

Method Return Type Description
getPictureUrl() string Image URL of an image message.
getActionUrl() string Obtains the redirection URL of an image message.

Public Methods


Image URL of an image message.

Return Type
Type Description
string Image URL of an image message.
Call Example
async function example() {
  await AGCAppMessaging.addListener(
    (appMessage) => {
      const picture: Picture = appMessage.getPicture();
      const pictureUrl: string = picture.getPictureUrl();

Obtains the redirection URL of an image message.

Return Type
Type Description
string Redirection URL of an image message.
Call Example
async function example() {
  await AGCAppMessaging.addListener(
    (appMessage) => {
      const picture: Picture = appMessage.getPicture();
      const actionUrl: string = picture.getActionUrl();

3.9. Constants

Enum MessageType

Obtains the message type.

Field Value Description
UN_SUPPORT 0 Undefined type.
CARD 1 Pop-up message.
PICTURE 2 Image message.
BANNER 3 Banner message.

Enum Location

Display position of a pop-up or image message.

Field Value Description
BOTTOM 0 Bottom.
CENTER 1 Center.

Enum TestFlag

TestFlag constants.

Field Value Description
NON_TEST_MESSAGE 0 Non-test message.
TEST_MESSAGE 1 Test message.

Enum DismissType

Message closing constants.

Field Value Description
UNKNOWN_DISMISS_TYPE 0 Undefined type.
CLICK 1 Close button or redirection link tapping.
CLICK_OUTSIDE 2 Tapping outside the message borders.
BACK_BUTTON 3 Back button tapping.
AUTO 4 Auto.

Enum Events

Events constants for event callbacks.

Field Value Description
ON_MESSAGE_CLICK_LISTENER onMessageClick Listens on message tap events.
ON_MESSAGE_DISPLAY_LISTENER onMessageDisplay Listens on message display events.
ON_MESSAGE_DISMISS_LISTENER onMessageDismiss Listens on message closing events.
ON_MESSAGE_ERROR_LISTENER onMessageError Listens on message error events.

3.10. Data Types


Represents common base properties among all message type.

Field Type Description
id number ID of an in-app message.
startTime number Start timestamp of a message.
endTime number End timestamp of a message.
frequencyType number Display frequency type of a message.
frequencyValue number Display frequency of a message.
testFlag number In-app message is a test message or not.
triggerEvents string[] IDs of a trigger events.


Represents the banner message object.

Field Type Description
base BaseProperties Base properties object.
banner BannerProps Banner object.


Represents the information of a banner.

Field Type Description
base Probs Message detail.
pictureURL string Imag