
npx @cotype/build-client

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cotypeBuildClient from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@cotype/build-client';


Create TypeScript clients from cotype API specs


npx @cotype/build-client <spec> <dest>

Where <spec> is the URL of a cotype swagger.json spec and <dest> is the location of the .ts file to be generated.

npx @cotype/build-client https://example.com/rest/swagger.json ./lib/Api.ts


This package exposes the cotype-build-client binary when being installed as a dependency or globally.


The tool looks for a client.config.js in the provided dest folder or any of its parents when being used via cli.


Requests to the cotype REST api can specify if they want to join data of referenced contents (rather than just returning their IDs and links).

For each endpoint we can fine-tune which data should be joined:

module.exports = () => [
    name: "loadPet",
    join: [{ type: "Owner", props: ["name"] }]

The function receives an argument of the same shape that lists everything that could possibly be joined. Hence the folling config would join every property of every referenced content:

module.exports = methods => methods;

While joining everything is usually not what we want, this approach allows us to write config files that don't need to be updated with every single model change. We could for example specify what to include on a per-type basis:

const propsToJoin = { Contact: ["name", "email"] };

module.exports = methods =>
  methods.map(({ name, join }) => ({
    join: join.map(({ type, props }) => ({
      props: propsToJoin[type]

Node API

const { generateClient } = require("@cotype/build-client");
// import { generateClient } from "@cotype/build-client";

(async () => {
  const client = await generateClient(spec, configFile);
