
This repo takes a spec file and generate ts-http-client sdk

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import crazyfactoryTinkaGeneratorOpenapi from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@crazyfactory/tinka-generator-openapi';



Greenkeeper badge This repo takes a spec file and generate ts-http-client sdk

In crazy factory, we have

  1. api -> the actual API that connects to database
  2. api-client -> an sdk that provides meaningful classes and methods that call api using ts-http-client
  3. shop, erp, logistics, handbag -> use api-client
  4. ts-http-client -> technology for stack and talking, but no api specs
  5. tinka-generator-openapi -> takes a spec file and generates stuff

Here's the process

  1. each api has its own spec.json file
  2. once spec.json in api is updated, spec.json in api-client is automatically updated according to the former one, with meaningful tag.
  3. then api-client will use the functionality of tinka-generator-openapi to generate a new sdk according to the updated spec
  4. api-client automatically published to NPM (via semantic-release?)