
* Updated library to Angular 12 * Added circling carousel feature (see `@Inputs` section below)

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cristiansargheNgGenericCarousel from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@cristiansarghe/ng-generic-carousel';


Generic Angular Carousel Component

Updates in 2.0.0

  • Updated library to Angular 12
  • Added circling carousel feature (see @Inputs section below)

What is it?

@cristiansarghe/ng-generic-carousel is a lightweight carousel component made for any type of content, NOT only images.


npm i @cristiansarghe/ng-generic-carousel

Basic usage

In the simplest terms, the component works by having a HTML template passed, along with an array of elements. By default, the component shows 3 elements at once.

<ng-generic-carousel [elements]="['John', 'Joanne', 'Jason', 'Jessica']">
    <ng-template #contentTemplate let-data="data">
        <p>I am {{data}}</p>

    <ng-template #leftButtonTemplate> < </ng-template>
    <ng-template #rightButtonTemplate> > </ng-template>
  • ng-generic-carousel receives an array of objects or primitive values through @Input() elements.

  • The component iterates through the array and repeats contentTemplate for each item.

  • To access the current item you can target the data variable (let-data="data"), as presented above, and then use it within the template.

  • For a more generic approach, leftButtonTemplate and rightButtonTemplate must be specified in order to customize the look of the left and right buttons.



  • The contentTemplate named ng-template provides the layout for each carousel element.
  • The leftButtonTemplate and rightButtonTemplate elements provide the content for the buttons (in order to customize the arrows as desired).
  • @Input() visibleElementsCount changes the number of elements shown at once on the screen.
  • NOTE: By default, if elements has less items than specified by visibleElementsCount, the left and right scroll buttons will NOT be shown. You can change this behavior by modifying @Input() alwaysShowNavigationButtons to true.


<ng-generic-carousel [elements]="['John', 'Joanne', 'Jason', 'Jessica']" [visibleElementsCount]="6" [alwaysShowNavigationButtons]="true">
    <ng-template #contentTemplate let-data="data">
        <p>I am {{data}}</p>

    <ng-template #leftButtonTemplate><</ng-template>
    <ng-template #rightButtonTemplate>></ng-template>


  • The carousel can as well have placeholders that look all the same, with a layout provided in placeholderTemplate.
  • The placeholders appear only if elements is null or empty.
  • The number of placeholders is 3 by default, but can be changed using @Input() placeholderElementsCount.
<ng-generic-carousel [elements]="[]" [placeholderElementsCount]="4">
    <ng-template #contentTemplate let-data="data">
        <p>I am {{data}}</p>

    <ng-template #placeholderTemplate>
        <p>This will be a name!</p>

    <ng-template #leftButtonTemplate><</ng-template>
    <ng-template #rightButtonTemplate>></ng-template>


Input Type Required Description
alwaysShowNavigationButtons boolean Optional, default: false Show or hide navigation buttons when elements count is less than maximum
isRoundNavigation boolean Optional, default: false Allow round carousel navigation
elements any[] Optional, default: [] Array of objects or primitive values that represent each carousel item
placeholderElementsCount number Optional, default: 3 If placeholders are shown, this input sets how many placeholder elements to show
visibleElementsCount number Optional, default: 3 Number of visible elements at a time


Template Description
contentTemplate Template for each carousel item
placeholderTemplate Template for each placeholder item
leftButtonTemplate Template for left scroll button
rightButtonTemplate Template for right scroll button