
Components for building your Angular SaaS application.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dalenguyenSaasLibs from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@dalenguyen/saas-libs';


Angular SAAS Libs (>= Angular v12)

Components for building your Angular SaaS application.

Demo: https://angular-saas.stackblitz.io


Here are some principles when building the library

  • Each component should be pure / presentation component - no side effects
  • SCAM (Single Component Angular Module) - only import the component / module that you need


npm i @dalenguyen/saas-libs

List of modules

  • PricingTableModule

Pricing Table Component

// app.component.html
<dalenguyen-pricing-table [plans]="plans" (selectedPlan)="onSelectedPlan($event)"></dalenguyen-pricing-table>

// app.component.ts
import { Plan } from '@dalenguyen/saas-libs'

plans: Plan[] = [
    currency: '

    price: 29,
    title: 'Freelance',
    period: 'mo',
    features: ['1 GB of space', 'Support at $25/hour', 'Limited cloud access'],
    cta: 'Choose plan',
    isFeature: false,
    currency: '

    price: 59,
    title: 'Business',
    period: 'mo',
    features: ['5 GB of space', 'Support at $5/hour', 'Full cloud access'],
    cta: 'Choose plan',
    isFeature: true,
    currency: '

    price: 99,
    title: 'Enterprise',
    period: 'mo',
    features: ['10 GB of space', 'Support at $25/hour', 'Limited cloud access'],
    cta: 'Choose plan',
    isFeature: false,

onSelectedPlan($event: unknown) {


  • This is an ongoing project. If you have any requests to create any SAAS components, feel free to create a ticket.