
RBAC utility for node apps

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import danmastaRbac from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@danmasta/rbac';



Role based access control helper for node apps


  • Easy to use
  • Define roles, permissions, and claims in a declarative way
  • Inherit permissions across roles
  • Map permission sets to user claims
  • Verify permissions or roles against claims
  • Includes helper middlewares for express apps
  • Supports RBAC and ABAC type flows


I wanted a better way to handle authorization in node apps. There are plenty of tools to help with authencation (passport) via different identity providers (oauth, saml, etc), but after you authenticate how do you handle authorization of specific resources and routes based on those identity claims? I've seen a lot of applications do some sort of manual checking of session state and user claims on a per-route basis and in non-uniform ways. That pattern is not very scalable or maintainable and it becomes very difficult to audit and verify as the complexity of the app grows.

This package lets you declaratively define your permission sets with a very simple syntax. It supports heirarchical rules via permission inheritance and allows you to map those permissions to identity claims. It includes helper functions for express apps for authorizing against permissions and/or roles.


Add rbac as a dependency for your app and install via npm

npm install @danmasta/rbac --save

Require the package in your app

const RBAC = require('@danmasta/rbac');

let rbac = RBAC(roles);



name type description
claims string What property on the req object to find claims. Default is 'user'
authorizeAgainst string\|array Which claims to use to authorize permissions against. If not set it will attempt to authorize against all claims. Default is undefined

Method: isAuthenticated

name type description
redirect boolean If true will attempt to set a redirect on failure. Default is false

Method: isAuthorized

name type description
redirect boolean If true will attempt to set a redirect on failure. Default is false
permissions string\|array Which permissions to test: 'posts.get' or ['posts.get']. Default is undefined
claims string\|array What claim key names to use to authorize against: 'groups' or ['groups']. Default is undefined

Method: isRole

name type description
redirect boolean If true will attempt to set a redirect on failure. Default is false
roles string\|array Which roles to test: 'editor' or ['editor']. Default is undefined


Name Description
verifyPermissions(claims, permissions, authorizeAgainst) Verify permissions against a set of claims. Accepts a set of claims, list of permissions, and optional claim key filter to authorize against. If more than one permission is provided it will succeed only if all permissions are verified. Returns a promise that resolves with the specified claims or rejects with an AuthorizationError on failure
verifyRoles(claims, roles) Verify roles against a set of claims. Accepts a set of claims and a list of roles. If more than one role is provided it will succeed if any role is verified. Returns a promise that resolves with the specified claims or rejects with an AuthorizationError on failure
isAuthenticated(opts) Helper middleware for checking authentication state. Expects a req.isAuthenticated function to be set. Returns a function that accepts (req, res, next) objects
isAuthorized(permissions, opts) Helper middleware for verifying permissions. Returns a function that accepts (req, res, next) objects
isRole(roles, opts) Helper middleware for verifying roles. Returns a function that accepts (req, res, next) objects
express() Helper middleware for setting functions on the req object and res.locals object for view templates. Returns a function that accepts (req, res, next) objects


Roles can be configured using the following fields: name | type | description -----|------|------------ id | string | Id for the role. Default is undefined description | string | Description for the role. Default is undefined permissions | array\|object | Permissions for the role. Should be an array or strings: ['posts.get', 'posts.list'], or an object of key/value pairs specifying true/false for each key: { 'posts.get': true, 'posts.list': false }. Default is undefined inherit | string\|array | Which role ids to inherit permissions from. Default is undefined claims | object | Key/value pairs of claim names and values: { groups: ['posts-editor', 'posts-viewer'] }. Default is undefined


Define roles and create an instance

const RBAC = require('@danmasta/rbac');

const roles = [
        id: 'superadmin',
        description: 'Administer all',
        inherit: [
        permissions: [],
        claims: {
            groups: [
        id: 'post/admin',
        description: 'Administer post data',
        inherit: [
        permissions: [
        claims: {
            groups: [
        id: 'post/editor',
        description: 'Edit post data',
        inherit: [
        permissions: [
        claims: {
            groups: [
        id: 'post/viewer',
        description: 'View post data',
        inherit: [],
        permissions: [
        claims: {
            groups: [

const rbac = RBAC(roles, { authorizeAgainst: 'groups' });

Secure resources and routes with middleware by permission

let app = express();

app.get('/post/:id', rbac.isAuthorized('post.view'), (req, res, next) => {

app.get('/post/:id/edit', rbac.isAuthorized('post.edit'), (req, res, next) => {

Secure all admin routes at specified path by role

let app = express();
let adminRouter = require('./routes/admin');

app.use('/admin', rbac.isRole(['superadmin', 'admin']), adminRouter);

Add express helpers to req and res.locals objects

let app = express();


Verify permissions inside a route handler function

let app = express();


app.get('/post/list', (req, res, next) => {

    req.isAuthorized('post.list').then(() => {
    }).catch(err => {



Testing is currently run using mocha and chai. To execute tests just run npm run test. To generate unit test coverage reports just run npm run coverage


If you have any questions feel free to get in touch