
Directory and file walking utility for node apps

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import danmastaWalk from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@danmasta/walk';



Directory and file walking utility for node apps


  • Easy to use
  • Simple, lightweight, and fast
  • Sync, async, streams, and promise api
  • Simple filtering with glob pattern matching
  • Require file contents, or read as stream, buffer, or string
  • Resolves require-style path strings
  • Normalized file objects with helper methods
  • Fast pattern matching via micromatch
  • Include and exclude pattern matching options
  • Only 2 dependencies: micromatch, lodash


I needed a better way to walk directories and read files during build and/or run time. I wanted an api that was simple, supported glob pattern matching like gulp, and returned objects with a similar format as vinyl. This package allows you to simply read any directory (or file), return an array of objects, and filter results with glob pattern matching. It can also require file contents, or read them as strings, streams, or buffers, and resolve require-style path strings.


Add walk as a dependency for your app and install via npm

npm install @danmasta/walk --save

Require the package in your app

const walk = require('@danmasta/walk');

By default walk returns a readable stream interface. You can use the methods: promise(), map(), each(), and sync() to consume file objects via promises or as a synchronous array.


name type description
cwd string Base directory to start walk from. Default is process.cwd
root string Directory or file path as root to walk from. This gets normalized as path.resolve(cwd, root). Default is ./
require boolean If true, file.contents will be a resolved object using require. Default is false
stream boolean If true, file.contents will be a Readable stream. Default is false
read boolean\|string If true, will read file contents as a buffer or string. If string, accepts either 'require', 'stream', or 'contents'. Default is false
contents boolean If true, will read file contents as string. Default is false
buffer boolean If true, when reading file conents, contents will remain a buffer instead of being converted to a string. Default is false
src Array\|String\|RegExp Micromatch pattern for result filtering by including any matches. Can be a path string, glob pattern string, regular expression, or an array of strings. Defaults to *(../)*(**/)*
ignore Array\|String\|RegExp Micromatch pattern for result filtering by ignoring any matches. Can be a path string, glob pattern string, regular expression, or an array of strings. Defaults to *(../)*(**/)(.git\|node_modules)
dot boolean Whether or not to include dot files when matching. Default is true
resolve boolean Whether or not to attempt to resolve file paths if not found. Default is true


Name Description
promise() Returns a promise that resolves with an array of file objects
map(fn) Runs an iterator function over each file. Returns a promise that resolves with the new array
each(fn) Runs an iterator function over each file. Returns a promise that resolves with undefined
sync() Walks files and directories in syncronous mode. Returns an array of file objects
require() Enables reading of file contents by requiring them
stream() Enables reading of file contents as a stream
buffer() Enables reading of file contents as a buffer
contents(str) Enables reading of file contents. First parameter can be: 'require', 'stream', or 'buffer'
resolveFilePath(str) Resolve a file path relative to options

File Objects

Each file returned from walk has the following signature


name type description
cwd string Current working directory. Defaults to process.cwd
root string Base directory to use for relative pathing. Defaults to cwd
path string Absolute path of the file on disk
relative string Relative path of file based from normalized root
relativeFromCwd string Relative path of file based from normalized cwd
dir string Parent directory where file is located
base string File name with extension
name string File name without extension
ext string File extension
stat object The fs.stat object for the file
contents string\|object Contents of the file. If require is true, will be resolved object, otherwise string. Default is null


name description
isBuffer Returns true if file.contents is a buffer
isStream Returns true if file.contents is a stream
isNull Returns true if file.contents is null
isString Returns true if file.contents is a string
isDirectory Returns true if the file is a directory
isSymbolic Returns true if the file is a symbolic link
isBlockDevice Returns true if the file is a block device
isCharacterDevice Returns true if the file is a character device
isFIFO Returns true if the file is a first-in-first-out (FIFO) pipe
isFile Returns true if the file is a file
isSocket Returns true if the file is a socket
isEmpty Returns true if the file is empty (zero bytes)


const walk = require('@danmasta/walk');

Walk the current working directory and pipe all files to a destination stream


Walk the current working directory, exclude all .json files

walk('./', { src: '**/*.!(json)' }).promise().then(res => {
    console.log('files:', res);

Walk a child directory, include only .json files

walk('./config', { src: '**/*.json' }).promise().then(res => {
    console.log('files:', res);

Walk a directory using an absolute path

walk('/usr/local').promise().then(res => {
    console.log('files:', res);

Read the contents of all pug files in ./views

walk('./views', { src: '**/*.pug', contents: true }).promise().then(res => {
    console.log('templates:', res);

Read the contents of all pug files in ./views as a buffer

walk('./views', { src: '**/*.pug', buffer: true }).promise().then(res => {
    console.log('templates:', res);

Require all js files in the ./routes directory and run a callback for each one

walk('./routes', { src: '**/*.js', require: true }).each(route => {
}).then(() => {
    console.log('all routes loaded');

Load all templates from the ./views directory synchronously

const templates = walk('./views', { src: '**/*.pug' }).sync();
console.log('templates:', templates);


Testing is currently run using mocha and chai. To execute tests just run npm run test. To generate unit test coverage reports just run npm run coverage


If you have any questions feel free to get in touch