
Util for developing darwinia javascript library.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import darwiniaUtil from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@darwinia/util';



Node.js CI


Utils for developing darwinia javascript library.


yarn add @darwinia/api
import { API, Config } from "@darwinia-network/util";

 * @return {API} api - generate API automatically
export async function autoAPI(): Promise<API> {
    const cfg = new Config();
    const seed = await API.seed(cfg.seed);
    return await API.new(seed, cfg.node, cfg.types);

The config root of darwinia.js is at ~/.darwinia, once you new Config(), the config files will generate automatically.

// ~/.darwinia/config.json
  "shadow": "shadow service api, refer github.com/darwini-network/darwinia.go",
  "node": "darwinia node, should start with `ws://` or `wss://`, eg: ws://",
  "seed": "darwinia account seed, eg: //Alice"

BTW, the types.json in at ~/.darwinia/types.json, update it if we are outdated, the source of types.json is here


import { log } from "@darwinia-network/darwinia.js";

(() => {
    log.ox("Javascript is the best programming language!");
method param description
log (s: string) info log
log.err (s: string) error log
log.ex (s: string) log error and exit process with 1
log.ok (s: string) ok log
log.ox (s: string) log ok and exit process with 0
log.trace (s: string) trace log
log.wait (s: string) wait log
log.warn (s: string) warn log


Magic logger, the logger in darwinia.js is just like env_logger in Rust, you can set your logger environment by LOGGER=XXX for darwinia.js programs.

Available Enviroments: [ALL, INFO]

  • ALL
    • Logger.Error,
    • Logger.Event,
    • Logger.Info,
    • Logger.Ok,
    • Logger.Trace,
    • Logger.Wait,
    • Logger.Warn,
  • INFO
    • Logger.Info
    • Logger.Ok
    • Logger.Error

