
A client-side React Native module to interact with Datadog

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import datadogMobileReactNative from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@datadog/mobile-react-native';


React-Native Monitoring

Datadog Real User Monitoring (RUM) enables you to visualize and analyze the real-time performance and user journeys of your application’s individual users.


To install with NPM, run:

npm install @datadog/mobile-react-native

To install with Yarn, run:

yarn add @datadog/mobile-react-native

Minimum React Native version: SDK supports React Native version 0.63.4 or higher. Compatibility with older versions is not guaranteed out of the box.

Specify application details in UI

  1. In the [Datadog app][1], select UX Monitoring > RUM Applications > New Application.
  2. Choose react-native as your Application Type.
  3. Provide a new application name to generate a unique Datadog application ID and client token.


To ensure the safety of your data, you must use a client token. You cannot use only [Datadog API keys][3] to configure the @datadog/mobile-react-native library, because they would be exposed client-side. For more information about setting up a client token, see the [Client Token documentation][4].

Initialize the library with application context

import { DdSdkReactNative, DdSdkReactNativeConfiguration } from '@datadog/mobile-react-native';

const config = new DdSdkReactNativeConfiguration(
    true, // track User interactions (e.g.: Tap on buttons. You can use 'accessibilityLabel' element property to give tap action the name, otherwise element type will be reported)
    true, // track XHR Resources
    true // track Errors
// Optional: Select your Datadog website (one of "US1", "US3", "US5", EU1", or "US1_FED"). Default is "US1".
config.site = "US1"
// Optional: enable or disable native crash reports
config.nativeCrashReportEnabled = true
// Optional: sample RUM sessions (here, 80% of session will be sent to Datadog. Default = 100%)
config.sampleRate = 80
// Optional: set the reported service name (by default, it'll use the package name / bundleIdentifier of your Android / iOS app respectively)
config.serviceName = "com.example.reactnative"

await DdSdkReactNative.initialize(config)

// Once SDK is initialized you need to setup view tracking to be able to see data in the RUM Dashboard.

Track view navigation

Because React Native offers a wide range of libraries to create screen navigation, by default only manual View tracking is supported. You can manually start and stop a View using the following startView() and stopView methods.

import { DdSdkReactNative, DdSdkReactNativeConfiguration, DdLogs, DdRum } from '@datadog/mobile-react-native';

// Start a view with a unique view identifier, a custom view url, and an object to attach additional attributes to the view
DdRum.startView('<view-key>', '/view/url', Date.now(), { 'custom.foo': "something" });
// Stops a previously started view with the same unique view identifier, and an object to attach additional attributes to the view
DdRum.stopView('<view-key>', Date.now(), { 'custom.bar': 42 });