
A simple to use and customizable react dialog implementation.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import denkschuldtReactDialog from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@denkschuldt/react-dialog';



A simple to use and customizable react dialog implementation.


$ npm install --save @denkschuldt/react-dialog
Version Compatibility
1.x React ˆ16.8+

Basic usage


import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import Dialog from '@denkschuldt/react-dialog';

const App = () => {
  const [ isVisible, setIsVisible ] = useState(false);
  return (
        onClick={() => setIsVisible(true)}>
        Show dialog
        isVisible &&
          onCancelClick={() => {}}
          onConfirmClick={() => {}}
          onCloseClick={() => setIsVisible(false)}>
            This is the body

ReactDOM.render(<App/>, document.getElementById('root'));

See more examples at @DenkSchuldt/react-dialog


Name Type Required Description Default
width Number Dialog width
height Number Dialog height
title String Dialog title
draggable Boolean Allows dialog drag true
className String Component class to override styles
slideIn String Initial animation: top, bottom, left, right
cancelableOutside Boolean Whether the dialogs closes by clicking outside or not false
closeOnEscPress Boolean Whether the dialogs closes by pressing escape false
hideCloseButton Boolean Hides the close button false
onCloseClick function :white_check_mark: Close button click function
cancelText String Negative button text 'CANCEL'
onCancelClick function Negative button click function
cancelDisabled Boolean Negative button disabled prop false
confirmText String Positive button text 'OK'
onConfirmClick function Positive button click function
confirmDisabled Boolean Positive button disabled prop false


Use the className prop to override dialogs classes:

.your-css-class {
  .dnk-dialog-content {
    /* The dialog card */
    .dnk-dialog-close {
      /* The close button */
    .dnk-dialog-body {
      .dnk-dialog-body-buttons {
        /* The buttons div container */
        button {
          /* cancel button */
          &.dnk-btn-primary {
            /* confirm button */


  • Fork the project
  • Make changes and include tests
  • Update README, CHANGELOG with detailed info
  • Send me a PR :bowtie:
