
Webcomponent dile-html-transform to convert new lines and Urls to <br> and <a>

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dileDileHtmlTransform from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@dile/dile-html-transform';



A web component to apply breaklines and create links from URLs in a text.


npm install @dile/dile-html-transform


Import the component

import '@dile/dile-html-transform/dile-html-transform';

Use the component

Apply the text to transform in the "text" property. Then, the <dile-html-transform> component will show the transformed text, to display break lines and links on the URLs. This component makes the transformations without using the lit-html unsafeHTML directive, to make the transformations more safe against cross-site-scripting vulnerabilities.

Transformations available:

  • Transform newlines in <br>tags
  • Transform urls in links
<dile-html-transform text="Hi! from DesarrolloWeb.com. Why not to follow us on twitter.com?" convertLines convertLinks></dile-html-transform>

In order to make the desired conversions you need to provide the following attributes:

  • text: The text will be transformed
  • convertLines: should be true to convert new lines to <br>
  • convertLinks: should be true to convert the URLs in the text into links
  • convertEmails: should be true to convert the emails into links (mailto:)

This component depends on "anchorme"

You need to load the anchorme library before to this component, in order to make available the URLs-to-link and email-to-link transformations.

You may require it in your js bundle, or use a CDN like this:

