
My eslint config settings.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import djthomsEslintConfig from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@djthoms/eslint-config';



My eslint config settings.


npm i eslint prettier @djthoms/eslint-config --save-dev


  • eslint-config-prettier
  • eslint-plugin-flowtype
  • eslint-plugin-import
  • eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y
  • eslint-plugin-prettier
  • eslint-plugin-react
  • eslint-plugin-react-hooks
  • eslint-plugin-jest
  • eslint-plugin-testing-library
  • eslint-plugin-security


  • @babel/eslint-parser
  • @typescript-eslint/parser

Sample usage with typescript + react

module.exports = {
    env: {
        browser: true,
        node: true,
        jest: true,
        es6: true,
    extends: [

Run through CLI:

npx eslint src/**/*.{ts,tsx}

Sample usage using flow + react

module.exports = {
    env: {
        browser: true,
        node: true,
        jest: true,
        es6: true,
    extends: [

Run through CLI:

npx eslint 'src/**/*.{js,jsx}'

Available Configurations

This package comes with several configurations. They're detailed below:

Export Description
@djthoms/eslint-config Main export form the package. This sets up eslint with the recommended config and prettier
@djthoms/eslint-config/esmodules Sets @babel/eslint-parser as the parser, es6 env, modules, and the ecmaVersion to 2018
@djthoms/eslint-config/jest A generic config for writing jest tests with testing-library
@djthoms/eslint-config/react A generic config for react projects that combines multiple react eslint plugins for accessibility, JSX, and more. Use with esmodules or typescript, but not both
@djthoms/eslint-config/react-typescript React .tsx overrides
@djthoms/eslint-config/flow A generic flow config that can be used with or without React
@djthoms/eslint-config/typescript A generic typescript config that sets up @typescript-eslint/parser as the parser and can be used with or without React