
Browter in it's own does not do a thing because it relies on adapters. By creating an adapter we can do things on top of a given router and then return a valid instance for the given framework/router.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import donnyroufsBrowter from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@donnyroufs/browter';


Browter makes routing simple and organized


Browter in it's own does not do a thing because it relies on adapters. By creating an adapter we can do things on top of a given router and then return a valid instance for the given framework/router.


  • Use for any Router
  • Group Routes by namespace
  • No more imports for your controllers. Browter will bind them for you
  • Have the option to have many groups in one. This allows for resourceful routes
  • It wraps your route handlers to catch any errors which you can handle at the top level
  • Have all your routes in one file with as final result some eye candy.
  • Built on Typescript

In progress

  • Resourceful routes generation.

Getting started with Browter

Install package(s)

Right now only an official Express adapter exists, but you can make your own! Browter exposes the IRouterAdapter interface which you can implement on any of your classes to create an adapter.


$ yarn add @donnyroufs/browter
$ yarn add @donnyroufs/express-to-browter-adapter


$ npm install @donnyroufs/browter
$ npm install @donnyroufs/express-to-browter-adapter

Known adapters for Browter


import { ExpressToBrowterAdapter } from '@donnyroufs/express-to-browter-adapter'
import { Browter } from '@donnyroufs/browter'
import { Router as ExpressRouter } from 'express'

const adapted = new ExpressToBrowterAdapter(ExpressRouter)
const browter = new Browter<ExpressRouter>(adapted)

browter.group('/api/v1', (browter) => {
  browter.get('/', 'CoreController.index')

  browter.group('users', (browter) => {
    browter.get('/', 'UserController.index')

    browter.group('posts', (browter) => {
      browter.post('/', 'PostController.store')

  browter.group('verifications', (browter) => {
    browter.get('/', 'VerificationController.index', [isAuth])

export default browter.build()

Which will create:

Http Method Endpoint Controller Route handler
GET /api/v1/ CoreController index
GET /api/v1/users UserController index
POST /api/v1/users/posts PostController store
GET /api/v1/verifications VerificationController isAuth, index

Example Http Controller

It's recommended to have one Composite Root where you setup all your controllers with it's required dependencies.

class UserController {
  async index(req: Request, res: Response) {
    res.send('Hello World!')

export userController = new UserController()

App.ts, initialize Browter with an Express app

import express from 'express'
import ApiRoutes from './Routes.ts'

const app = express()

// Middleware which gets called when an exception gets thrown
this.server.use((err, req, res, next) => {
    statusCode: 400,



Change the controllers directory

By default Browter will look for controllers in src/Api/Controllers but if that doesn't fit with your architecture then you can change it's options like so

new Browter(adapter, {
  controllersDir: Path.resolve('./src/Api/Controller/Http")

Losing the context of this because of the exceptions wrapper

The autoBindMethods will make sure that the context stays within the controller

export class BaseController {
  constructor() {

  private autoBindMethods() {
    const methods = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Object.getPrototypeOf(this))

      .filter((method) => method !== 'constructor')
      .forEach((method) => (this[method] = this[method].bind(this)))

Current Milestones

  • v0.1.1 | Automatically bind controllers with their routes
  • v0.1.2 | Group routes by namespace
  • v0.1.3 | Nested Grouping
  • v0.1.4 | Catch errors in route handlers and handle at the top level
  • v0.1.5 | Rewrite current API to remove magic and allow for adapters in the future
  • v0.1.6 | Mainly bug fixes
  • v0.1.9 | Remove Express dependency and use adapters to make Browter flexible for any router.
  • v0.2.0 | Scaffold resourceful routes
  • v0.2.0 | Generate docs out of JSDocs and host it.