
Automatically manage social meta tags for websites projects hooking into Quasar Meta plugin

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dreamonkeyQuasarAppExtensionMeta from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@dreamonkey/quasar-app-extension-meta';



This is a Quasar App Extension (AE) It adds minimal meta tag to fill social network previews and provides you a better DX over Quasar Meta Plugin, which is powerful but also verbose and somewhat difficult to understand.


quasar ext add @dreamonkey/meta


quasar ext remove @dreamonkey/meta

Using Quasar Meta Plugin

Get familiar with the concepts of Layout and Pages before proceeding.

To set the minimal meta tags to show you website nicely in posts on social networks, while using Quasar Meta Plugin, you'll need to write:

// src/layouts/main-layout.vue

export default {
  name: "MainLayout",
  data() {
    return { metaTitle: "" };
  meta() {
    return {
      titleTemplate: (title) => `${title} - FooBarAgency`,
// src/pages/contacts.vue

const title = "Contacts";
const description =
  "Contact FooBarAgency with the online form or reach us in our office at 766 Parkway Street, Los Angeles, California.";

export default {
  name: "ContactPage",
  meta: {
    meta: {
      description: { name: "description", content: description },
      ogTitle: { name: "og:title", content: title },
      ogDescription: { name: "og:description", content: description },
      ogUrl: {
        name: "og:url",
        content: "https://www.foo-bar-agency.com/contacts",
      ogImage: {
        name: "og:image",
        content: "https://www.foo-bar-agency.com/social-cover.jpg",
      ogType: { name: "og:type", content: "website" },

Using this AE

We provide two mixins to simplify the DX.

LayoutMetaMixin optionally adds a title prefix/suffix to pages displayed into a layout and sets minimal website-wide social tags (title) and meta tags (og:title, og:type, og:image).

og:image searches for a cover image (shown in your social preview) stored into public/social-cover.jpg.

PageMetaMixin sets minimal page-wide minimal social tags (description) and meta tags (og:description, og:url).

Here are some examples:

// src/layouts/main-layout.vue

import { LayoutMetaMixin } from "@dreamonkey/quasar-app-extension-meta";

export default {
  name: "MainLayout",
  mixins: [LayoutMetaMixin((title) => `${title} - FooBarAgency`)],
  data() {
    // ...
// src/pages/contacts.vue

import { PageMetaMixin } from "@dreamonkey/quasar-app-extension-meta";

const title = "Contacts";
const description =
  "Contact FooBarAgency with the online form or reach us in our office at 766 Parkway Street, Los Angeles, California.";

export default {
  name: "ContactPage",
  mixins: [PageMetaMixin(title, description)],
  data() {
    // ...

title => `${title} - FooBarAgency` argument is useful to add a prefix/suffix to nested pages own title, but if no transformation is needed just leave it blank:

export default {
  name: "MainLayout",
  mixins: [LayoutMetaMixin()], // <-- no argument here
  data() {
    // ...

This AE sets og:url and og:image based on the domain provided into process.env.APP_DOMAIN (read more about process.env). If not provided, the app domain is deduced from window.location.origin. While building for SSR/SSG you must set process.env.APP_DOMAIN as window object is not defined.

How to set it:


  build: {
    env: ctx.prod || ctx.mode.ssr
      ? {
          APP_DOMAIN: 'https://www.FooBarAgency.it',
      : {},

We also expose a metaTag function which adds meta tags in a clearer and more elegant way.

Suppose you don't want to use LayoutMetaMixins and PageMetaMixins and you want to provide meta tags for a twitter card. First you should search which meta tags you need, then fill the meta object, here's an example:

import { metaTag } from "@dreamonkey/quasar-app-extension-meta";

export default {
  name: "MainLayout",
  meta: {
    meta: {
      ...metaTag("twitter:card", "summary"),
      ...metaTag("twitter:site", "@nytimesbits"),
      ...metaTag("twitter:creator", "@nickbilton"),

metaTag accepts the meta tag name, or an array of names, as first parameter and the value as second parameter.

Dynamic support for i18n

Be sure to understand how App Internationalization (i18n) and Custom directive localization work before proceeding. This mixin assumes vue-i18n has already been set up in your project.

PageMetaMixin is perfect until you add internationalization to the mix, which requires to dynamically update you tags and meta tags accordingly to the selected language: PageMetaI18nMixin address this use case.

Using PageMetaI18nMixin

You use PageMetaI18nMixin exactly how you would use PageMetaMixin, except you provide "translation paths" as arguments instead of the text itself. The mixin automatically react to $root.$i18n.locale changes, updating meta tags accordingly.

// src/i18n/it/contacts.ts    <-- Notice these are the website italian translations

export default {
  meta: {
    title: "Contatti",
      "Contatta FooBarAgency con il nostro modulo online o raggiungici in ufficio a Parkway Street 766, Los Angeles, California.",
  form: {
    title: "Contattaci compilando il nostro modulo!",
  // ... other translations
// src/pages/contacts.vue

import { PageMetaI18nMixin } from "@dreamonkey/quasar-app-extension-meta";

const titleLabel = "contacts.meta.title"; // <-- The title 'translation path'
const descriptionLabel = "contacts.meta.description"; // <-- The description 'translation path'

export default {
  name: "ContactPage",
  mixins: [PageMetaI18nMixin(titleLabel, descriptionLabel)],
  data() {
    // ...

The "translation paths" are those you use to access translations with vue-i18n methods. In the following snippet the "translation path" is contacts.form.title:

<p>{{ $t('contacts.form.title') }}</p>

Testing social preview

If the website is online you can test it using this tool. If your website is built for SSR/SSG, you can serve it locally, use http://localhost.run/ to expose it and test it with the previous tool.

You can also copy/paste the website link directly into the social network you want to support and manually check the generated preview.

Meta tags are computed by Quasar at runtime and outputted into <head> tag, but since most crawlers won't execute JS they won't be able to see the tags when your website is a SPA. You will need to use SSR or SSG to be sure all crawlers see the tags correctly

Cheat sheet

  titleTemplateFn: (title: string) => string = (title) => title
PageMetaMixin(title: string, description: string);
PageMetaI18nMixin(titleLabel: string, descriptionLabel: string);
metaTag(names: string | string[], value: string);

og:image path: "public/social-cover.jpg"




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