
WASM wrapper of the chacha20poly1305 library in rust

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dugremaWasmXchacha20poly1305 from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@dugrema/wasm-xchacha20poly1305';



WASM version of ChaCha20Poly1305 and XChaCha20Poly1305 in rust


This is a WASM wrapper around some operations in the Rust crate chacha20poly1305.

The "one-pass" encrypt/decrypt functions use the original algorithm from the Rust crate chacha20poly1305.

I have modified the ciphers to support incremental processing (calling ..._update() then ..._finalize()) to support encrypting large files that don't fit in memory. These are the _stream functions available in this wrapper. This incurs a performance cost when compared to the one-pass version but should allow processing files up to 256 GB.


Github : https://github.com/dugrema/wasm.xchacha20poly1305

How to install

Add to your project, for example using npm:

npm i @dugrema/wasm-xchacha20poly1305

Import it somewhere in your project. Must be done asynchronously (e.g. promise)

    .then( wasmcrypto => { ... do something with it ...} )

I'm using React with rescript to rewire support for WASM. Here is the howto I used to understand how to wire WASM in React : https://koala42.com/using-webassembly-in-your-reactjs-app/. Use this to get your magic bytes in line.


One-pass: faster, all in memory

  • chacha20poly1305_encrypt(nonce, key, data) -> Array with ciphertext + 16 byte auth tag
  • chacha20poly1305_decrypt(nonce, key, data, tag) -> Array with deciphered content
  • xchacha20poly1305_encrypt(nonce, key, data) -> Array with ciphertext + 16 byte auth tag
  • xchacha20poly1305_decrypt(nonce, key, data, tag) -> Array with deciphered content


  • nonce : Uint8Array, 12 bytes for ChaCha20Poly1305 or 24 bytes for XChaCha20Poly1305
  • key : Uint8Array, 32 bytes
  • data : Uint8Array with data to process.
  • tag : 16 byte Array, optional. If not provided, the auth tag MUST be in the last 16 bytes of the data parameter.

Incremental: supports files up to 256 GB from streams

  • chacha20poly1305_encrypt_stream(nonce, key, data)
  • chacha20poly1305_decrypt_stream(nonce, key, tag, readStream, outputStream)
  • xchacha20poly1305_encrypt_stream(nonce, key, readStream, outputStream) -> Array with 16 byte auth tag
  • xchacha20poly1305_decrypt_stream(nonce, key, tag, readStream, outputStream)


  • nonce : Uint8Array, 12 bytes for ChaCha20Poly1305 or 24 bytes for XChaCha20Poly1305
  • key : Uint8Array, 32 bytes
  • readStream : object with async .read() that returns { done: bool, data: Uint8Array }. See readStream example below
  • outputStream : object with async .write(data). See outputStream example below.
  • tag : 16 byte Array


One-pass encryption (no incremental processing) with chacha20poly1305

    // Prepare the 32 byte key, 12 byte nonce.
    const key = Buffer.from('808182838485868788898a8b8c8d8e8f909192939495969798999a9b9c9d9e9f', 'hex')
    const nonce = Buffer.from('404142434445464748494a4b', 'hex')  // Not secure, always use a new random nonce! 

    // Prepare the data
    const messageString = "Content to encrypt"
    const encoder = new TextEncoder()
    const messageBytes = encoder.encode(messageString)
    // Encrypt in a single pass
    const ciphertextTag = await wasmcrypto.chacha20poly1305_encrypt(nonce, key, messageBytes)

    // Note : ciphertextTag contains both the cipher and the 16 byte tag in a simple Array. 
    //        here is how to extract them to a Buffer
    const ciphertext = Buffer.from(ciphertextTag.slice(0, ciphertextTag.length-16))
    const tag = Buffer.from(ciphertextTag.slice(ciphertextTag.length-16))

Stream encryption with xchacha20poly1305

async function encrypt() {
    const key = Buffer.from('808182838485868788898a8b8c8d8e8f909192939495969798999a9b9c9d9e9f', 'hex');
    const nonce = Buffer.from('404142434445464748494a4b4c4d4e4f505152', 'hex');
    const readStream = ... object with async .read() that returns { done: bool, data: Uint8Array }
    const outputStream = ... object with async .write(data) ...
    const tag = await wasmcrypto.xchacha20poly1305_encrypt_stream(nonce, key, readstream, output)
    // Note: the tag is an Array, you can convert it to a Buffer with : Buffer.from(tag) 

Stream decryption

async function decrypt() {
    const key = Buffer.from('808182838485868788898a8b8c8d8e8f909192939495969798999a9b9c9d9e9f', 'hex');
    const nonce = Buffer.from('404142434445464748494a4b4c4d4e4f505152', 'hex');

    const tag = ... your tag from the encryption result ... 
    const readStream = ... object with async .read() that returns { done: bool, data: Uint8Array } ...
    const outputStream = ... object with async .write(data) ...
    await wasmcrypto.xchacha20poly1305_decrypt_stream(nonce, key, tag, readStream, outputStream)

Read stream example

const CHUNK_SIZE = 64 * 1024
function combineBuffers(buffer1, buffer2) {
    let buffers = new Uint8Array(buffer1.length + buffer2.length)
    buffers.set(buffer1, 0)
    buffers.set(buffer2, buffer1.length)
    return buffers

let messageBytes = new Uint8Array(100)  // sample data, all zeroes

const readStream = {
    read: async () => {
        if(!messageBytes) {
            return {done: true, value: null}
        let value = Buffer.from(messageBytes.slice(0, CHUNK_SIZE))
        if(value.length === CHUNK_SIZE) {
            messageBytes = messageBytes.slice(CHUNK_SIZE)
        } else {
            messageBytes = null
        return {done: false, value}

Output stream example

const outputStream = {
    write: async chunk => {
        outputData = combineBuffers(outputData, chunk)
        return true


Just to make sure this was worthwhile, I've compared this WASM wrapper to the pure JavaScript library implementation chacha20-js and poly1305-js (as found on npmjs.org).

When just running chacha20-js (no poly1305-js auth) :

  • On my PC (old Xeon running Ubuntu 20 with Firefox), I get about 2x improvement with the WASM wrapper.
  • On an iPhone 7, about 5x improvement with the WASM wrapper.
  • On an old cheap Umdigi Android, about 2x speed improvement with the WASM wrapper.