

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dwcoreIntrinsic from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@dwcore/intrinsic';




JavaScript is a dynamic and embeddable language that conforms to the ECMAScript specification. All objects and their prototypes in JavaScript are mutable unless they have been frozen. This can affect the safety of the executable code at runtime.

The specification assumes that the source code is executed in a secure runtime where all implementations are consistent. Third-party libraries can modify references to objects in the global scope, built-in object prototypes, their properties and methods. This leads to inconsistency between implementations.

The inconsistency can be resolved by copying references to all built-in objects, their prototypes, properties and methods before importing the source code. Access to these references must be encapsulated.


npm i --save @dwcore/intrinsic


// CJS
const $ = require('@dwcore/intrinsic');
// ESM
import $ from '@dwcore/intrinsic';

const uncurryThis = $('%uncurryThis%');
const ObjectToString = uncurryThis($('Object.prototype.toString'));

ObjectToString(Reflect); // => '[object Object]'

$('@@iterator') === Symbol.iterator; // true

$('Array.prototype[@@iterator]') === Array.prototype[Symbol.iterator]; // true

const TypedArray = Reflect.getPrototypeOf(Uint8Array);

$('get %TypedArray%.prototype.length') === Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(
).get; // true

API Documentation