
A fast dev-server and storybook built with esbuild.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dxosEsbuildServer from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@dxos/esbuild-server';


ESBuild Server

A fast dev-server and storybook built with esbuild.



Run esbuild-server --help or esbuild-server <command> --help to list all commands.

esbuild-server <command>

  esbuild-server build              Build the app for production.
  esbuild-server dev                Start the dev server.
  esbuild-server book [stories...]  Start the dev server with a book of components.

  --help     Show help                                                 [boolean]
  --version  Show version number                                       [boolean]

Config file

The config is automatically loaded from ./esbuild-server.config.js.

export interface Config {
   * List of entry points to bundle.
   * Those are then can be requested from the dev server.
   * Read more: https://esbuild.github.io/api/#entry-points
  entryPoints?: string[] | Record<string, string>

   * Directory to output production build to.
  outdir?: string

   * Override esapp default settings for esbuild
  overrides?: BuildOptions

   * Directory with static files to be served by the dev server.
  staticDir?: string

   * Esbuild plugins: https://esbuild.github.io/plugins/.
  plugins?: Plugin[]


esbuild-server stories are compatible with storybook format, although only the very minimal features are currently supported.

To render a storybook run the following command (replacing with your glob for stories).

esbuild-server book

Each story file should export a set of components and optionally a default export with the title that will be displayed in the outline.

To build storybooks:

esbuild-server book --build


yarn publish


Currently esbuild-server does not polyfill any of the node.js modules or globals. If your code is using them you need to manually include a plugin to add them.