
Form Minimap React

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import eafmmReact from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@eafmm/react';


Form Minimap React

React components and hooks for Form Minimap. Please consult that documentation for further information on the concepts mentioned below.

Getting Started


npm install --save @fmm/react

Adding Form Minimap

The code sample below shows the lines added to a simple form to add a minimap (M) or a minimap with panel (P)

M P         import React from 'react';
M           import { FmmReactMinimapTag } from '@eafmm/react';
  P         import { FmmReactMinimapTag, FmmReactPanelTag } from '@eafmm/react';

            function App() {
M               var parentRef = React.useRef();
  P             var anchorRef = React.useRef();
  P             var panelRef = React.useRef();
M               var css = '.fmm-frame { height: 50px; }';
  P             var css = '.fmm-frame { height: 50px; } .fmm-panel { height: 0; }';
                return (
                    <div className="App">
M P                     <style>{css}</style>
M                       <div ref={parentRef} style={{width:'70px', height:'50px', marginLeft:'200px'}}></div>
  P                     <div ref={anchorRef} style={{width:'20px', height:'20px', marginLeft:'200px'}}></div>
  P                     <FmmReactPanelTag ref={panelRef}/>
M                           <FmmReactMinimapTag parentRef={parentRef} title='Title'/>
  P                         <FmmReactMinimapTag anchorRef={anchorRef} panelRef={panelRef} title='Title'/>
                            <input id="Input1"/><br/>
                            <input id="Input2"/><br/>
                            <input id="Input3"/><br/>
                            <input id="Input4"/>

            export default App;



Adapter for FmmMinimap returned from FmmReactMinimapTag or useFmmReactMinimap.



Component to create and manage a FmmReactMinimap. The minimap is detached when this component is destroyed. For minimaps in a panel, use the panelRef property; otherwise use the parentRef property to show an always-visible minimap, or anchorRef for a popup minimap.

Property Type Required
aggregateLabels FmmMapString
anchorRef React.RefObject<HTMLElement>
customElementIds string[]
debounceMsec number
dynamicLabels string[]
framework FmmFramework
onUpdate FmmOnUpdate
pageRef React.RefObject<HTMLElement>
panelRef React.RefObject<FmmReactPanel>
parentRef React.RefObject<HTMLElement>
storeRef React.RefObject<FmmStore>
title string
usePanelDetail boolean
useWidthToScale boolean
verbosity number
zoomFactor number


Hook version of FmmReactMinimapTag that returns a FmmReactMinimap.

Parameter Type Required Description
key string Minimap is recreated when key changes. Any previous minimap is detached.
form React.RefObject<HTMLFormElement>
p FmmReactMinimapProps Object with properties of FmmReactMinimapTag.


Adapter for FmmPanel returned from FmmReactPanelTag or useFmmReactPanel.



Component to create and manage a FmmReactPanel.

Property Type Required
detailParentRef React.RefObject<HTMLDivElement>
vertical boolean


Hook version of FmmReactPanelTag that returns a FmmReactPanel.

Parameter Type Required
hostRef string
detailParentRef React.RefObject<HTMLDivElement>
vertical boolean


Component to create and manage a FmmStore.

Property Type Required
errors FmmMapErrors
values FmmMapValues


Hook version of FmmReactStoreTag that returns a FmmStore.

Parameter Type Required
values FmmMapValues
errors FmmMapErrors