
React form component that utilises JSON

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ejyptionReactJsonForm from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@ejyption/react-json-form';



React form component that utilises JSON. Inputs include validation based on their types with extra validation being optional.

NPM JavaScript Style Guide


npm install --save @ejyption/react-json-form

Dark Mode & Light Mode examples

Image of dark mode and light mode theme examples

Form input types

  • text
  • textarea (height auto adjusts as you write more)
  • email
  • number
  • password
  • date
  • time
  • checklist
  • select (thoughtful styling for mobile & desktop)
  • toggle


  • submit Function. The submit prop needs to be a function which takes two paramaters. The first parameter is the formdata created by react-json-form and the second parameter is the callback. Call the callback function once you have finished using the formdata to stop the form loading spinner. Should there be an issue with submitting the formdata, pass a new Error with a message to the callback and a nice error message will pop up at the top of the form. The page will automatically scroll to the form error message.
  • cancel Function. If there is a cancel function present, react-json-form renders a cancel button next to the submit button. The cancel button can be any function at your descretion.
  • mode String, either "light" or "dark". Changes the styling to suit dark or light themes.
  • inputs Array of objects. This prop is an array that needs to contain the input objects. Each object will render an input respective to its position is in the array. The format for these objects are described below
  • submitButtonOptions Object. This contains details of what you wish the submit button to say and how it should be styled. An example of the format is { text:"Save Form", style: {backgroundColor:"red"} }

Input object format

  • label String. The label for the input
  • placeholder String.
  • autoFocus Boolean. Will autofocus on the last input that has autoFocus prop as true
  • autoComplete String. The same as using the autoComplete attribute on an HTML input. Either "off" or "on", "on" being the default.
  • helper String. This sits underneath an input, having a small font and being italic, is used to further describe what you are asking of the user.
  • options Array of objects. This is used with a select, or a checklist input type. Objects in this array should be of the format {label:"label", value:"value"}
  • name String. This props is required and will be the key in the returned formdata.
  • value Any. This prop is optional if you wish to provide an initial value for the input.
  • type One Of. Types of inputs are listed in a section above
  • beforeDate UTC. Used for a date input type, it validates a date input requiring it to be before the date provided.
  • afterDate UTC. Used for a date input type, it validates a date input requiring it to be after the date provided.
  • required Boolean. Adds a * to the end of the label and validates against an empty input, array, date etc.
  • mustMatch Any. Validates input using a shallow compare to the mustMatch prop.
  • overrideValues Object {firstName:"Emad"}. This object should contain both keys (standing in for an input name) and a value. In case you wish to hardcode the inputs prop and then override them with a fetched dataset. This is particularly useful if you save your react-json-form formdata and then wish to edit the values later using the fetched formdata.

Additional input object props when using inputs without a form

  • onChange Function. This function will get called upon change to the input and will pass the value of the input.
  • onBlur Function. This function will get called on blur of the input and will pass the value.
  • mode String, either "light" or "dark". Changes the styling to suit dark or light themes.

Methods (can access them with a reference)

  • focus Function. focuses on the input
  • validateInput Function. Although validation occurs on any change, if you wish to validate when no change has occured, use this method.
  • getValue Function. Returns an object of the format {name: name, value: value}
  • overrideValue Function. This allows you to override the input value programmatically.

Individual Input Usage (using inputs without a form)

import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'
import { Input } from '@ejyption/react-json-form'
import '@ejyption/react-json-form/dist/index.css'

const Example = (props) => {
  const [superhero, setSuperhero] = useState('')
  useEffect(() => {
  }, [superhero])

  return (
      label="Who's your favourite superhero?"

export default Example

Form Usage


import React from 'react'
import Form from '@ejyption/react-json-form'
import '@ejyption/react-json-form/dist/index.css'
import { inputs } from './inputs.js'
import { submitButtonOptions } from './submitButtonOptions.js'

const Example = (props) => {
  const onSubmit = (formData, callback) => {
    // do what you wish with the data
    // callback(new Error("error message"))
    // or
    // callback()

  return (
      mode='light' // either 'light' or 'dark'

export default Example


export const inputs = [
    type: 'text',
    name: 'firstName',
    label: 'First Name',
    placeholder: 'Emad',
    autoFocus: true
    type: 'email',
    name: 'email',
    label: 'Email Address',
    placeholder: 'eg Emad@example.com'
    type: 'yesNo',
    name: 'agree',
    label: 'Agreed?'
    type: 'time',
    name: 'startTime',
    label: 'Start Time',
    width: 'half',
    required: true
    type: 'time',
    name: 'endTime',
    label: 'End Time',
    width: 'half',
    required: true
    type: 'time',
    name: 'theTime',
    label: 'The Time',
    required: true
    type: 'toggle',
    name: 'subscribe',
    label: 'Subscribe to our mailing service?',
    required: true
    type: 'number',
    name: 'weight',
    label: 'Weight',
    placeholder: 'eg 82.5'
    type: 'select',
    name: 'favouriteCharacter',
    label: "Which 'Friends' character do you like most?",
    placeholder: 'Select from these options',
    helper: 'This will help us understand who you relate to most.',
    options: [
      { label: 'Ross', value: 'Ross' },
      { label: 'Rachel', value: 'Rachel' },
      { label: 'Monica', value: 'Monica' },
      { label: 'Chandler', value: 'Chandler' },
      { label: 'Joe', value: 'Joe' },
      { label: 'Pheobe', value: 'Pheobe' }
    required: true
    type: 'checklist',
    name: 'favouriteGenres',
    label: 'Which movie genres do you like?',
    placeholder: 'Select from these options',
    options: [
      { label: 'Action', value: 'Action' },
      { label: 'Comedy', value: 'Comedy' },
      { label: 'Crime', value: 'Crime' },
      { label: 'Drama', value: 'Drama' },
      { label: 'Romantic', value: 'Romantic' },
      { label: 'Thriller', value: 'Thriller' }
    value: ['Action', 'Thriller', 'DDD'],
    required: true


export const submitButtonOptions = {
  text: 'Save',
  style: {
    backgroundColor: 'purple',
    color: '#fff'


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