
Set a minimum time for your promise.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import elissaioskonPromiseMinimumTime from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@elissaioskon/promise-minimum-time';


Promise minimum time

Set a minimum time for your promise.

This library could be useful if we want a promise to complete after at least some minimum time. It does not delay the request, it just defines a minimum time in order to be completed

For example if a modal with a loading indicator opens when we export some data, we want to be sure that modal with the loading indicator will be shown for at least some time(2 second for example) before it closes. So with this library we can make the export request to completed after at least some minimum time in order to be sure that the modal stays open for at least some minimum time.

Please check codesandbox example


// With yarn
yarn add @elissaios/promise-minimum-time

// With npm
npm install @elissaios/promise-minimum-time

Usage example 😀

 import promiseWithMinimumTime, {promiseMinimumTime} from '@elissaios/promise-minimum-time'
 const twoMinutesInMs = 2 * 60 * 1000;
 const exportData = () => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000))
 // Use either promiseWithMinimumTime or promiseMinimumTime
 const exportDataMinimumTime2minutes = promiseWithMinimumTime(exportData, twoMinutesInMs)
    console.log('This log will be logged after 2 minutes')
  promiseMinimumTime(exportData(), 2000).then(()=>{
       console.log('This log will be logged after 2 minutes')


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