
UI general utils library for building Origin marketplace user interface

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import energywebOriginUiUtils from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@energyweb/origin-ui-utils';


Energy Web Foundation Logo

Origin UI Utils


UI general utils library for building Origin marketplace user interface.

Origin UI Assets is a component of Energy Web Origin's SDK.


This package is available through the npm registry.

npm install @energyweb/origin-ui-utils
yarn add @energyweb/origin-ui-utils


  1. isArrayEqual - Checks if two arrays are equal using lodash modular methods.
isArrayEqual(arrayOne: T[], arrayTwo: T[]): boolean
  1. COUNTRY_OPTIONS_ISO - An array of country options with ISO country code as value and country name as label
COUNTRY_OPTIONS_ISO: { value: string, label: string }[]
  1. DateFormatEnum - Enum containing Date-Time formats used in Origin
enum DateFormatEnum {
  1. formatDate - function formatting dates/timestamps/dayjs-objects to the most used date format 'MMM D, YYYY' in displaying dates in user interface
formatDate(date: Dayjs | number | string): 'MMM D, YYYY'

const includeTime = true;
formatDate(date, includeTime): `MMM D, YYYY hh:mm a`

const timezone = 'Asia/Bangkok'
// by default uses dayjs.tz.guess()
formatDate(date, false, timezone): 'MMM D, YYYY'
  1. EnergyFormatter - function for formatting energy values from MWh to Wh and from Wh to MWh.
const amountInWh = 100000;
const mWhAmount = 365;

EnergyFormatter.getValueInDisplayUnit(amountInWh): 100

EnergyFormatter.getBaseValueFromValueInDisplayUnit(mWhAmount): BigNumber.from(365000)

EnergyFormatter.format(amountInWh): "100"
EnergyFormatter.format(amountInWh, true): "100 MWh"
  1. PowerFormatter - function for formatting power values from MW to W and from W to MW.
const amountInW = 987000;
const mWAmount = 123;

PowerFormatter.getBaseValueFromValueInDisplayUnit(mWAmount): "123000"

PowerFormatter.format(amountInW): "987"
PowerFormatter.format(amountInW, true): "987 MW"
  1. Currency formatters formatCurrency(value) - formats the number or string using Intl.NumberFormat to USD currency style without ' sign. formatCurrencyComplete(value, currency = 'usd') - formats the number or string to currency format using Intl.NumberFormat with 2 digits displaying the currency sign.

  2. useQueryParams - hook for retrieving query params.

  3. useQueryString - hook for receiving parsed query string via query-string package.

  4. EnergyTypeEnum - enum containing all energy types used in Origin user interface. This is mainly used for icons displaying.

  WIND = 'wind',
  SOLAR = 'solar',
  HYDRO = 'hydro-electric',
  MARINE_TIDAL = 'marine tidal',
  MARINE_WAVE = 'marine wave',
  MARINE_CURRENT = 'marine current',
  MARINE_VERTICAL = 'marine vertical pressure',
  RENEWABLE_HEAT = 'renewable heat',
  BIOMASS_SOLID = 'biomass solid',
  BIOMASS_LIQUID = 'biomass liquid',
  BIOGAS = 'biogas',
  CO_FIRED_WITH_FOSSIL = 'co-fired with fossil',

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See contributing.md

Energy Web Decentralized Operating System

EW-Origin is a component of the Energy Web Decentralized Operating System (EW-DOS).

The purpose of EW-DOS is to develop and deploy an open and decentralized digital operating system for the energy sector in support of a low-carbon, customer-centric energy future.

We develop blockchain technology, full-stack applications and middleware packages that facilitate participation of Distributed Energy Resources on the grid and create open market places for transparent and efficient renewable energy trading.

  • To learn about more about the EW-DOS tech stack, see our documentation

For a deep-dive into the motivation and methodology behind our technical solutions, read our White Papers:

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This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details