
React library for managing connection to blockchain wallet

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import energywebOriginUiWeb3 from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@energyweb/origin-ui-web3';


Energy Web Foundation Logo

Origin UI Web3


This package is available through the npm registry.

npm install @energyweb/origin-ui-web3
yarn add @energyweb/origin-ui-web3


React library for managing connection to blockchain wallet. Implementation is based on Web3Provider from ethers package. Web3 state provider is built with React Context and React Hooks.

Currently available wallet adapters:


Please note, that this package has React 17.0.2+ as peerDependency.


  1. Wrap your application into Web3ContextProvider at the top level.
import { Web3ContextProvider } from '@energyweb/origin-ui-web3'

const AppRoot = () => {
   return (
       <App />
  1. Get the web3 context
import { useWeb3 } from '@energyweb/origin-ui-web3'

const Component = () => {
  const {
    connect, // async function for connecting to a wallet: (adapter: Adapter) => Promise<void>
    disconnect, // async function for disconnecting from a current wallet: () => Promise<void>
    account, // currently connected account address: string
    chainId, // current chain id: number
    web3, // Web3Provider
    isActive // indicator of active connection to a wallet: boolean
  } = useWeb3();

  return (
  1. Connect to a wallet you need
import { useWeb3, MetamaskAdapter, NotAllowedChainIdError } from '@energyweb/origin-ui-web3'

const ConnectComponent = () => {
  const { connect, account } = useWeb3();

  const handleError = (error: any) => {
    if (error instanceof NotAllowedChainIdError) {
      // or some other custom error handling
      console.log('You are connecting to not allowed chain');
    console.log('Some error from Metamask: ', error);

  const handleConnect = async () => {
    // supply allowedChainIds: number[] as first arg
    // you can also supply custom errorHandler as second arg
    await connect(new MetamaskAdapter([1, 2], handleError))

  return (
    {!account ?
       <button onClick={handleConnect}>
          Connect Metamask
       : <span>{account}</span>


For each adapter we are also supplying HOC and Errors specific to wallet adapter of which is used.


import { withMetamask } from '@energyweb/origin-ui-web3'

export const withMetamask(Target, Placeholder)
/* Target - is your React Component to be blocked from user view until he connects a wallet; */

// Placeholder - is a React Component blocking the view until the wallet is connected,
// typically with a Connect button and some info text.


import {
} from '@energyweb/origin-ui-web3'

Contributing Guidelines

See contributing.md

Questions and Support

For questions and support please use open a new Issue.


The Energy Web Decentralized Operating System is a blockchain-based, multi-layer digital infrastructure.

The purpose of EW-DOS is to develop and deploy an open and decentralized digital operating system for the energy sector in support of a low-carbon, customer-centric energy future.

We develop blockchain technology, full-stack applications and middleware packages that facilitate participation of Distributed Energy Resources on the grid and create open market places for transparent and efficient renewable energy trading.

  • To learn about more about the EW-DOS tech stack and the energy-sector challenges our use cases address, see our documentation.

For a deep-dive into the motivation and methodology behind our technical solutions, we encourage you to read our White Papers:

Connect with Energy Web


This package is licensed under the MIT - see the LICENSE file for details


This library was inspired by the web3-react/core. Kudos to the author and contributors for creating/maintaining this great project!