
🔱 A monorepo template repository. Ideal for building shareable JavaScript packages or React modules.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import episcleraMultipackCore from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@episclera/multipack-core';



🔱 A monorepo template repository. Ideal for building shareable JavaScript packages or React modules.

Site | Getting Started | API | Blog

GitHub Multipack


  • Lerna structure to build monorepo packages
  • ESLint and Prettier to enforce code style.
  • Pre-commit hooks with husky and lint-staged
  • Docusaurus docs generator preconfigured to work well with Github Pages
  • Preconfigured Jest and react-testing-library to test (ts|tsx) files and colect coverage from all packages
  • Preconfigured Github workflow actions to run tests after each pushed commit

Getting started.

  • Clone the project: git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/episclera/multipack.git <YOUR_PROJECT_NAME>
  • Setup project: npm install and npm run link:packages

Running npm run link:packages will installing all packages dependencies and linking any cross-dependencies. This command is crucial, as it allows you to use your package names in require() as if the packages were already existing and available in your node_modules folder.

CLI Commands

npm run build:packages - build all packages with webpack in production mode

npm run watch:packages - start webpack in watch mode to rebuild packages on each change

npm run watch:packages - start in watch mode (aplications,apis docs) packages

npm run start:packages - build and serve (aplications,apis) packages

npm run version:packages - Bump package versions and Create release tags and Changelogs

npm run publish:packages:npm - publish packages where the latest version is not present in the NPM registry

npm run publish:packages:github - publish packages where the latest version is not present in the GitHub registry

npm run link:packages - will installing all packages dependencies and linking any cross-dependencies in each package

npm run test:packages - run jest tests in each package and colect coverage from all packages

npm run watch:test:packages - run and watch all tests for changes

npm run lint:packages - lint all packages

npm run lint:packages:styles - lint all packages styles

npm run fix:packages - lint and fix all packages

npm run watch:docs - start a Docusaurus server that serve files from /docs folder predestinated for docs.

npm run publish:docs - publish generated docs with Docusaurus to Github Pages


  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request :D

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@episclera/multipack © Episclera, Released under the MIT License.
Authored and maintained by Episclera with help from contributors (list).

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