
Discord Plus is a Wrapper for Discord.JS which utilizes Bot communications using Socket.IO. Easily communicate with other bots using Discord.Plus. Discord.Plus also has a built in command handler to help you make your bot easily.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import evodevDiscordPlus from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@evodev/discord.plus';



Discord Plus is a Wrapper for Discord.JS which utilizes Bot communications using Socket.IO. Easily communicate with other bots using Discord.Plus. Discord.Plus also has a built in command handler, machine learning and chat AI to help you make your bot easily.

How To Use

Command Handler Usage

  • set(name, value)

To set a command with value as value and name as the name.

  • get(name)

To return a command's value with name as name.

  • remove(name)

To remove a command with name as name.

  • has(name)

To know does a command with name as name is exist in the Class or no.

  • getAll()

To get all commands' name and value in Map.

  • getAllNames()

To get all commands' name in an Array.

  • getAllValues()

To get all commands' value in an Array.

Communicate Usage

  • on(event, callback)

To fire callback function when the event event got fired.

  • sendMessage(object) / sendMessage({ id: "The Bot Receiver's ID", message: "Your Message" })

To send message to other bot. Note: It will return an Object after the server send it to other bot.

  • blockUser(id)

To block a bot with id as ID so the bot cannot send message to your bot. Note: It will not stored into any database.

  • unblockUser(id)

To unblock a bot with id as ID.

  • blockedUsers()

To get all IDs of blocked users.

betterObject Usage

  • Object.prototype.forEach(callback)

To calls a function once for each item in an Object, in order.

  • Object.prototype.push(object)

To add new item to an Object.

  • Object.prototype.splice(index, howmany, replacewith)

To add/remove items from an Object, and return modified Object.

NeuralNetwork Usage

  • train(iterations, data)

To train your AI with data iterationsx times.

  • activate(input)

To see your AI's answer of input.

ChatBot Usage

  • trainData(arrayOfData)

Gives the ai the required data to reply to users.

  • getPrediction(string)

Get string prediction from trained data.

  • getResult(string)

Get all results and scores from all data. This can be used to find the most dominant one.

Command Handler Example

const { CommandHandler } = require("@evodev/discord.plus");
const { Client }         = require("discord.js");
const prefix             = "!";
const handler            = new CommandHandler();

handler.set("say", {
  name: "say",
  run: async (client, message, args) => {
    return message.channel.send(args.join(" "));

client.on("message", async message => {
  const args = msg.content
    .split(/ +/g);
  const cmd = args.shift().toLowerCase();
  if (cmd.charAt(0) !== prefix) return;
  // Running command based on input
  if (!handler.has(cmd)) return;
  handler.get(cmd).run(client, message, args);

Communicate Example

let BetterDiscord = require("@evodev/discord.plus");
let cBD           = new BetterDiscord.Communicate("your_bot_token"); //you can put DiscordClient object here tho.

cBD.on("ready", () => {
  cBD.on("message", async res => {
    console.log(`${res.user.id}: ${res.message.content}`);
    let msgRes = await cBD.sendMessage({ message: "Received your message dude!", id: res.user.id });
    //you can do whatever you want with the msgRes object!

NeuralNetwork Example

let { NeuralNetwork } = require("@evodev/discord.plus");
let ML                 = new NeuralNetwork();

ML.train(10000, [
    { inputs: [0,0], outputs: [0] },
    { inputs: [0,1], outputs: [0] },
    { inputs: [1,0], outputs: [0] },
    { inputs: [1,1], outputs: [1] }

console.log(ML.activate([0,0])); // ~0 (0.01214291222508886)
console.log(ML.activate([0,1])); // ~0 (0.08100696632854297)
console.log(ML.activate([1,0])); // ~0 (0.07793351045035582)
console.log(ML.activate([1,1])); // ~1 (0.8780115291725155)

betterObject Example


let object = { i: 0, o: 1 };

object.push({ k: 2 }); //{ i: 0, o: 1, k: 2 };

object.forEach((k,v) => {
  console.log(`${k} = ${v}`);
}); //1 = 0, o 1, k = 2

object.splice(2,2); //{ i: 0 }

ChatBot Example

const { ChatAI } = require("@evodev/discord.plus");
const chatbot = new ChatAI();

const data = [
  { input: "Hey there!"                          , output: "Hello!"                              },
  { input: "Thanks for downloading discord.plus!", output: "No problem!"                         },
  { input: "Enjoying using the lib?"             , output: "considering support us by donating!" }

// Return: considering support us by donating!
ai.getPrediction("Enjoying the lib?")

// Return an array of predictions and scores.
ai.getResult("thanks for the downloads!")



  • Gaia#7541 (Discord)
  • Hyp3r#0001 (Discord)
  • Odd Stranger#7957 (Discord)

Want to support us?

  • Gaia's PayPal: nekomaru76


  • You cannot distribute this library. You only can download and use it.
  • You cannot edit the library and then distribute it without All Developers' permission of this Library. You only can use it.
  • Don't try to put your DiscordClient object into sendMessage function.

Copyright (c) EvoDev Team, Inc - All Rights Reserved

  • This work is licensed under the Recex Shared Source License Version 1.0.
  • To view a copy of this license, visit the site.
  • Written by Gaia careday17@gmail.com, October 2020.