
Push changes to both Git and NPM.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import extraNpmPush from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@extra-npm/push';


Push changes to both Git and NPM.

Do you want to:

  • Update version in package.json?
  • Publish package to NPM registry?
  • Add all changes to repository index?
  • Create a commit with given message?
  • And, Push package to remote Git repository?


# example package: pg
# current version: 7.0.0

# commit "v7.0.1"
enpm-push --no

# commit "v7.0.1", publish 7.0.1

# commit "patch update", publish 7.0.1
enpm-push "patch update"

# commit "minor update", publish 7.1.0
enpm-push "minor update" -v minor

# commit ":+1: major update", publish 8.0.0
enpm-push "major update" -3

With extra-npm try enpm push instead.


$ enpm-push [options] [message]
# message: commit message (version)

# Options:
# --help:   show this help
# -n, --no: no publish to npm
# -v, --version: update version (patch)
# -1, --patch:   update patch version
# -2, --minor:   update minor version
# -3, --major:   update major version
# -g, --github:  update github details
# -u, --username: github username
# -p, --password: github password

# Environment variables:
# ENPM_PUSH_NO: no publish to npm (0/1)
# ENPM_PUSH_VERSION: update which version (patch/minor/major/pre...)
# ENPM_PUSH_PREFIX:  commit message prefix
# ENPM_PUSH_MESSAGE: commit message
# ENPM_PUSH_GITHUB:  update github details (0/1)
# GITHUB_USERNAME: github username
# GITHUB_PASSWORD: github password


References: git push, npm publish.