
esbuild plugin for specifying external modules with regular expressions.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import falWorksEsbuildPluginRegexpExternals from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@fal-works/esbuild-plugin-regexp-externals';



A tiny esbuild plugin for specifying external modules with regular expressions.

Developed with: esbuild v0.8.39


npm install -D @fal-works/esbuild-plugin-regexp-externals

Usage example

import { regexpExternals } from "@fal-works/esbuild-plugin-regexp-externals";

  bundle: true,
  entryPoints: ["src/main.js"],
  outfile: "dist/bundle.js",
  plugins: [regexpExternals(/^[^.]/)],

In this example any module paths that don't start with a dot will be marked as external.

Allowed expressions

See docs of esbuild plugins:

The allowed regular expression syntax is the syntax supported by Go's regular expression engine. This is slightly different than JavaScript. Specifically, look-ahead, look-behind, and backreferences are not supported.