
Transpile TypeScript modules into JavaScript.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import falWorksTsTranspileModules from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@fal-works/ts-transpile-modules';



Transpile TypeScript modules into JavaScript.

What it does is just calling transpileModule() of TypeScript API for multiple files in a given directory.

Optional features:

  • Cleanup output directory before transpiling
  • Replace any string in each code before/after transpiling
  • Emit output files (either way you are able to use the transpilation results)

Not very well tested, though.


import { transpileModules } from "@fal-works/ts-transpile-modules";

const run = async () => {
  const srcDir = "src";
  const outDir = "out";
  const options = undefined; // Not required. See type declaration for option fields.

  const resultPerFile = await transpileModules(srcDir, outDir, options);



Use ts-transpile-modules command with the following options (limited functionality compared to the API).

--srcDir   Source directory path. (default: src)
--outDir   Output directory path. (required)
--clean    Removes outDir before transpiling. (optional)
--target   Any key of ts.ScriptTarget e.g. ES2015. (optional)
--module   Any key of ts.ModuleKind e.g. ES2015. (optional)