
a nuxt modules

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import fengsiNuxtAxiosCache from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@fengsi/nuxt-axios-cache';




  1. Add @fengsi/nuxt-axios-cache dependency to your project
yarn add @fengsi/nuxt-axios-cache # or npm install @fengsi/nuxt-axios-cache
  1. Add @fengsi/nuxt-axios-cache to the modules section of nuxt.config.js
export default {

  modules: [
    // Simple usage

    // With options
    ['@fengsi/nuxt-axios-cache', { 
      /* module options */
      cacheNodeTtl: 60 * 30,
      cacheNodeLimit: 300,
      clearCacheRoutePath: '/_/nuxt-cache' // Clear cache route, request method is DELETE
  1. plugins/api.js
import axios from 'axios'
import cacheAdapterEnhancer from '@fengsi/nuxt-axios-cache/dist/cacheAdapterEnhancer'

export default ({ ssrContext }) => {
  let adapter = null

  if (process.server) {
    adapter = cacheAdapterEnhancer(axios.defaults.adapter, {
      defaultCache: ssrContext.$axCache,
  } else {
    adapter = cacheAdapterEnhancer(axios.defaults.adapter, {
      cacheBrowserEnable: true

  if (adapter && process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'development') {
    axios..create({ adapter })

default options

  /* module options */
  updateAgeOnGet = true
  cacheNodeTtl = 1800
  cacheNodeLimit = 300
  clearCacheRoutePath = '/_/nuxt-cache' // 清除缓存路由, 请求方法为 DELETE

  /* cacheAdapterEnhancer options */
  enabledByDefault = true
  cacheFlag = 'cache'
  project = 'default' // key 值前缀
  defaultCache = null
  cacheBrowserEnable = false // 设置为 true 下面的参数才有作用
  cacheBrowserTtl = 3600
  cacheBrowserSession = true // 会话缓存

Related configuration
