
A simple command line interface that helps in scaffolding and configuring operations

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import fiadCli from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@fiad/cli';



A simple command line interface that helps in scaffolding and configuring operations



Handles recursive files copying from a source directory to a destination one.

npx @fiad/cli scaffold --src src/path --dest dest/path --context your-module


  • src: the source directory to copy files from (required)
  • dest: the destination directory to copy files to (optional, uses cwd as default)
  • context: a string that defines the operation context in order to produce more specific log messages (optional)


Handles dependencies installation from npm repository.

npx @fiad/cli install --manifest path/to/dependencies.json --yarn --context your-module


  • manifest: the manifest filepath (required)
  • yarn: if passed, allows installation via yarn
  • context: a string that defines the operation context in order to produce more specific log messages (optional)

JSON manifest schema:

  "dependencies": [
  "devDependencies": [


Handles package.json updates.

npx @fiad/cli config --add build --value "webpack --mode production" --context scripts --force
npx @fiad/cli config --remove build --context scripts


  • --add: the key of property to be added (required*)
  • --remove: the key of property to be remove (required*)
  • --context: the parent property path (optional with root level as default)
  • --value: the value of the property to be added (available and required in combination with --add only)
  • --force: if passed, forces property override (available in combination with --add only)

(*) --add and --remove are reciprocally exclusive, so only one of them is required


A survey provider to collect user preferences (based on inquirer.js).

npx @fiad/cli wizard --config path/to/config.js


  • config: the configuration filepath (required)

Config file schema:

module.exports = {
  header: 'Foo', // header text printed as a figlet banner
  headerColor: 'blue',
  description: 'Welcome folks!', // a simple prefatory description
  descriptionColor: 'yellow',
  questions: [
    // inquirer questions definition here
  handler: require('path/to/handler.js')

For details about questions definition, check the inquirer.prompt method documentation.

Handler file schema:

module.exports = function (answers) {