
A collection of filters and functions for Twig (JS)

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import fiadTwigAddons from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@fiad/twig-addons';



A collection of filters and functions for Twig (JS)

Get started


npm i @fiad/twig-addons



import twig from 'twig'
import twigAddons from '@fiad/twig-addons'

const engine = twigAddons(twig)

engine.renderFile('path/to/template.twig', { foo: 'bar' }, (err, html) => {
  fs.writeFileSync('path/to/template.html', html)

With Express

import express from 'express'
import twig from 'twig'
import twigAddons from '@fiad/twig-addons'

const app = express()

app.engine('twig', twigAddons(twig).__express)

Filters list


A porting of JavaScript's Array.prototype.map().


map(values, args)
Argument Description Type
values The original values array
args The array of arguments passed to the filter array

Here below the supported filter arguments: | Argument | Description | Type | | --- | --- | --- | | handler | The mapping handler | string |

ℹ️ Please note that the handler argument should be a stringified arrow function evaluable by eval().


// mock
  "guests": [
    { "firstname": "John", "lastname": "Doe", /* ... */ },
    { "firstname": "Jane", "lastname": "Doe", /* ... */ }
<p class="guests">
  {{ guests|map('({ firstname, lastname }) => `${firstname} ${lastname}`')|join(', ') }}

⚠️ Since this filter involves the usage of eval(), it's recommended to use it for static sites generation purposes only, so that the stringified JavaScript execution will be limited to the development environment. Look here to learn more.


A porting of JavaScript's Array.prototype.reduce().


reduce(values, args)
Argument Description Type
values The original values array
args The array of arguments passed to the filter array

Here below the supported filter arguments: | Argument | Description | Type | | --- | --- | --- | | reducer | The reducing handler | string | | carry | The initial reduced value | any |

ℹ️ Please note that the reducer argument should be a stringified arrow function evaluable by eval().


// mock
  "cart": [
    { "price": 10, /* ... */ },
    { "price": 20, /* ... */ },
    { "price": 15, /* ... */ }
<p class="total">
  {{ cart|reduce('(total, { price }) => (total + price)', 0) }} €

⚠️ Since this filter involves the usage of eval(), it's recommended to use it for static sites generation purposes only, so that the stringified JavaScript execution will be limited to the development environment. Look here to learn more.


It allows you to remap an object with different keys and eventually discard its needless properties.


remap(value, args)
Argument Description
value The original object to be remapped
args The array of arguments passed to the filter

Here below the supported filter arguments: | Argument | Description | | --- | --- | | keys | The list of key replacements, formatted like "old:new" | | options | A configuration object containing additional settings |

The options argument supports the following properties: | Property | Description | Default | | --- | --- | --- | | discardUnmentioned | If true, any properties not included in the keys argument will be omitted from the returned object | false |



// mock
  "article_id": "post-1",
  "article_type": "news",
  "article_title": "Lorem ipsum.",
  "article_text": "Ea duis sint ad ipsum in dolor quis consequat.",
  "article_category": "foo"
{# components/article.twig #}
  <h1>{{ title }}</h1>
  <p>{{ description }}</p>

{# templates/page.twig #}
{% set data = mock|remap([
], {
  discardUnmentioned: true
}) %}

  {% include 'components/article.twig' with data %}


    <h1>Lorem ipsum.</h1>
    <p>Ea duis sint ad ipsum in dolor quis consequat.</p>

Functions list


A porting of Twig's html_classes. Look at the official documentation to learn more about usage.




It dynamically builds the stringified attributes list of an html tag starting from a key-value object. It supports you in adopting a standard and comfortable parametric system to pass attributes to a component directly from the include statement.


tag_attributes(attributes, defaults)
Argument Description
attributes The attributes object to be parsed
defaults (optional) The default attributes to extend, useful when you need to merge with some predefined properties (use this argument instead of Twig built-in merge filter to ensure proper attribute parsing)



// mock
  "link": {
    "label": "Lorem ipsum",
    "attributes": {
      "class": "link--primary",
      "href": "https://domain.ext/slug",
      "target": "_blank"
{# components/link.twig #}

{% set defaults = {
  class: 'link',
  target: '_self'
} %}

<a {{ tag_attributes(attributes, defaults) }}>
  <span class="link__label">{{ label }}</span>


<a class="link link--primary" href="https://domain.ext/slug" target="_blank">
  <span class="link__label">Lorem ipsum</span>

ℹ️ Please note that the default class attribute wasn't overridden, as did the target one instead, but the default value and the overriding one have been concatenated. This is to avoid the accidental breaking of some of the component basic styles and behaviors associated with the default class(es) eventually defined within the component partial.