
This package provides URLs for the Polyfill Service which sets a consistent baseline for JavaScript code used by the user-facing applications which comprise FT.com. This package is integrated with the [shell component].

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import financialTimesDotcomUiPolyfillService from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@financial-times/dotcom-ui-polyfill-service';



This package provides URLs for the Polyfill Service which sets a consistent baseline for JavaScript code used by the user-facing applications which comprise FT.com. This package is integrated with the shell component.

Getting started

This package is compatible with Node 12+ and is distributed on npm.

npm install --save @financial-times/dotcom-ui-polyfill-service

After installing the package you can use it to create <script> tags or integrate it with the JavaScript bootstrap.

Client-side API

There is no client-side integration required. The bootstrap component can only be used on the server-side.

Server-side API


A script bundle URL configured to provide a limited set of features intended to be loaded by browsers which fail to cut the mustard. and should receive a "core" experience.


A script bundle URL configured to provide a full set of features (up to ES2017) intended to be loaded by browsers which successfully cut the mustard and should receive an "enhanced" experience.