
React components for working with Contacts.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import fissionSuiteContactsReact from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@fission-suite/contacts-react';


Contacts React

Build Status License Maintainability Built by FISSION Discord Discourse

React components for working with contacts data.

Contacts Data

These components assume contacts in the form of:

  "uuid": "a58bca0d-a38f-42a1-8b33-bcd53027881c",
  "label": "Main ETH account",
  "notes": "💰",
  "createdAt": "2021-05-26T16:03:03Z",
  "modifiedAt": "2021-05-26T16:03:03Z",
  "address": {
    "accountAddress": "0xab16a96d359ec26a11e2c2b3d8f8b8942d5bfcdb",
    "chainId": "eip155:1"

You can find the JSON schema in the repo from the contacts app, which is live at contacts.fission.app. In the app you can view and manage your contacts. By default it assumes the contacts data in the private/Documents/Contacts/ directory.


To illustrate how easy it is to work with the webnative filesystem, we're making a few React components to easily render contacts in your React app.

import { List } from '@fission-suite/contacts-react'

webnative.initialise({ ... }).then(state => {
  if (state.fs) {
    return <List fileSystem={state.fs} />

List component properties:

  blockchainNetworksPath,       // default: @fission-suite/contacts-react/List.DEFAULT_BLOCKCHAIN_NETWORKS_PATH
  emptyStateComponent,          // default: @fission-suite/contacts-react/List.EmptyState
  fileSystem,                   // REQUIRED
  itemComponent,                // default: @fission-suite/contacts-react/Contact.Contact
  libraryPath,                  // default: @fission-suite/contacts-react/List.DEFAULT_PATH
  listElement,                  // default: "dl"
  loadingComponent,             // default: @fission-suite/contacts-react/List.Loading

Contact component properties:

  blockchainNetworks,           // default: {}, passed from the default `List` component
  contact                       // REQUIRED

The default Contact and loading components are unstyled, so most likely you'll want to provide styled components instead.

import { isBlockchainAddress, lookUpBlockchainNetwork } from '@fission-suite/contacts-react/Contact'


    <div>Nothing here yet.</div>
  loadingComponent={() =>
    <div>Loading …</div>
  itemComponent={({ blockchainNetworks, contact }) => {
    if (isBlockchainAddress(contact.address)) {
      const network = lookUpBlockchainNetwork(contact.address, blockchainNetworks)
      return <li>

    return <></>


There is an example in the example directory, which is also available at contacts-react.fission.app. That also serves as an example for the React components from the Fission UI Kit.