
the webpack based tools `evolve` of @flatjs

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import flatjsEvolve from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@flatjs/evolve';



The webpack based dev tools evolve of flatjs

The usages

$ npm i @flatjs/evolve


  • Integrated Mock system using @flatjs/mock
  • Provide some standard built-in plug-ins clean-webpack,context-replacement, mini-css-extract
  • Support multi cdn configuration for each individual entry dev inte rc ntv prod
  • Support multi html template file output index.html, index-dev.html, index-rc.html, index-ntv.html
  • Support express to proxy all serve static page modules.
  • Support us filter dynamic import using import()
  • Allow us attach customized middleware to handle page render.
  • Allow individual define some configuration for each entry item.
  • Builtin parallel build for production build
  • Allow us specified extra babel presets or plugins to handle your webapp.
  • Builtin loaders icon babel css less image svg font
  • Split mock and evolve configuration into flatjs.mock.js, flatjs.evolve.js.


For evolve dts cause of lerna package symlinks, if we want to import types without inline mode. we must do as below:

  1. update flatjs.dts.js add followSymlinks: false,
  2. remove paths:{} from compilerOptions of tsconfig.json
  3. SEE: (monorepo will be inlined?)
  4. Cause of webpack@5 there are some typings issue for plugins, we remove these typings from devDependencies e.g. mini-css-extract, webpack-dev-server, clean-webpack-plugin
  5. 注意一旦使用 antd 作为 externals, 此处要去掉 antd modularImports flatjs.evolve.js
    libraryName: 'antd',
    libraryDirectory: 'es',
    style: true,
    transformToDefaultImport: true,