
A flatjs plugin which allows use of multiple entry points for bundle

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import flatjsForgePluginMultiInput from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@flatjs/forge-plugin-multi-input';


The @flatajs builtin plugin @flatjs/forge-plugin-multi-input to bundle libraries with multiple dist files.


All supported input types like below show

  const inputStr: string = '/path/to/file.js';
  const inputArray: string[] = ['/path/to/file.js'];
  const inputArrayWithRule: string[] = ['/path/*/index.ts'];
  const inputWithMap: Record<string,string> = {
    'a': 'src/main-a.js',
    'b/index': 'src/main-b.js'

The sample configuration of flatjs.forge.js

/** @type import('../forge').FlatjsPartialConfig */
const flatjsConfig = {
  flatjsForge: {
    input: `${input}`

module.exports = flatjsConfig;