
Helper function to proxy images via Flayyer network to bypass CORS with Typescript support.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import flayyerProxy from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@flayyer/proxy';



Helper function to proxy images via Flayyer network to bypass CORS with Typescript support.

We made this for Flayyer.com to enable developers to create content-aware marketing and social images. Beware this is intended to use inside Flayyer templates created with create-flayyer-app.

Note: This proxy service is only available and allowed for Flayyer templates where bypassing CORS is necessary for images or data.


Install this dependency:

yarn add @flayyer/proxy

Common case usage:

import { proxy } from "@flayyer/proxy";

export default function MainTemplate({ variables }) {
  const src = proxy(variables["image"]);
  return <img src={src} />


example image

Usage with use-smartcrop.

import { proxy } from "@flayyer/proxy";
import { useSmartcrop } from "use-smartcrop";

export default function MainTemplate({ width, height, variables }) {
  const src = proxy(variables["image"]);
  const cropped = useSmartcrop(src, { width, height, minScale: 1 })
  return <img src={cropped.src} />