
Fluent bindings for DOM

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import fluentDom from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@fluent/dom';



@fluent/dom provides the DOM bindings for Project Fluent.


@fluent/dom can be used both on the client-side and the server-side. You can install it from the npm registry or use it as a standalone script (as the FluentDOM global).

npm install @fluent/dom

How to use

The DOMLocalization constructor provides the core functionality of full-fallback ready message formatting. It uses a lazy-resolved FluentBundle objects from the @fluent/bundle package to format messages.

On top of that, DOMLocalization can localize any DOMFragment by identifying localizable elements with data-l10n-id and translating them.

import { DOMLocalization } from '@fluent/dom'

const l10n = new DOMLocalization(MutationObserver, [
], generateBundles);



const h1 = document.querySelector('h1');

// Sets `data-l10n-id` and `data-l10n-args` which triggers
// the `MutationObserver` from `DOMLocalization` and translates the
// element.
l10n.setAttributes(h1, 'welcome', { user: 'Anna' });

For imperative uses straight from the JS code, there's also a Localization class that provides just the API needed to format messages in the running code.

import { Localization } from '@fluent/dom'

function *generateBundles() {
  // Some lazy logic for yielding FluentBundles.
  yield *[bundle1, bundle2];

const l10n = new Localization(document, [
], generateBundles);

async function main() {
  const msg = await l10n.formatValue('welcome', { name: 'Anna' });
  // → 'Welcome, Anna!'