
Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol wrapper for NodeJS

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import flywoodNodeRdp from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@flywood/node-rdp';



The configuration object can contain the following parameters:

  • address: address to connect to (defaults to the empty string '')
  • username: username to use for connection (defaults to the empty string '')
  • password: password to use for connection (defaults to the empty string '')
  • deleteCredentialsAfter: deletes credentials and temporary files after disconnection (defaults to true)
  • safeMode: enables a "safe mode" for handling the connection (see caveats) (defaults to false)
  • autoReconnect: auto-reconnect after an erroneous disconnection (defaults to true)
  • fullscreen: launch as a fullscreen application (defaults to true)
  • colors: color depth in bits (defaults to 32)
  • compression: determines if the connection must be compressed (defaults to true)
  • connectionType: the type of the connection, can be one of 'modem', 'low', 'satellite', 'high', 'wan', 'lan', 'auto' (defaults to 'auto')
  • networkAutoDetect: set some connection parameters automatically depending on the detected network type (defaults to true)
  • bandwidthAutoDetect: set some connection parameters automatically depending on the detected bandwidth type (defaults to true)
  • showWallpaper: show the wallpaper on the remote computer (defaults to false)
  • fontSmoothing: enable font smoothing (defaults to false)
  • desktopComposition: enable desktop composition, useful for Aero (defaults to false)
  • showDraggedWindow: show full window contents while dragging (defaults to false)
  • showMenuAnimations: show menu animations (defaults to false)
  • showThemes: show themes (defaults to true)
  • showBlinkingCursor: show blinking cursor on input controls (defaults to true)
  • audioPlayMode: determine which audio stream is played, can be one of 'local', 'remote', 'none' (defaults to 'local')
  • audioCaptureMode: enable capturing audio on the local computer (defaults to false)
  • enableLocalPrinters: enable local printers on the remote computer (defaults to true)
  • enableLocalCOMPorts: enable local COM ports on the remote computer (defaults to false)
  • enableSmartCards: enable local smart cards on the remote computer (defaults to true)
  • enableClipboard: enable clipboard sharing between the local and remote computers (defaults to true)
  • enablePlugAndPlayDevices: determine a subset of Plug And Play devices (separated by a semi-colon ;) based on the specified HIDs or the wildcard * (defaults to the empty string '')
  • enableDrives: determine a subset of local drives (separated by a semi-colon ;) for use on the remote computer, based on the labels or the wildcard * (defaults to the empty string '')
  • enablePos: enable local Point of Service on the remote computer (defaults to false)
  • launch: application to launch upon connection (defaults to the empty string '')
  • launchWorkingDirectory: working directory for the application to be launched upon connection (defaults to the empty string '')

The basic usage is shown below:

var rdp = require('node-rdp');
    address: 'terminal.scloud.ru',
    username: 'servicecom\\ipozdnyakov',
    password: 'Aa123123',
    colors: 16,
    fontSmoothing: 0,
    enableLocalPrinters: 1,
    enableLocalCOMPorts: 1,
    enableSmartCards: 0,
    enableClipboard: 1,
    enablePos: 0,
    autoReconnect: 1,
    enableDrives: '*',
    port: '3389',
    //launch: '||1cestart (1)',
    //launchPath: '||1cestart (1)',//указать полный путь к программе 
    //launchProgramName: '1С Предприятие 8.3',
    //launchMode: 1,
}).then(function() {
    console.log('At this, point, the connection has terminated.');