
Maybe type for modern javascript

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import fpcMaybe from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@fpc/maybe';



A Maybe is basically an array of at most one element: map, filter and forEach can be used like usual. When a function may return null or undefined this pattern can be used to make the absence of value more explicit and less error prone[citation needed].

Create new Maybe

import { Maybe, Nothing, Just } from '@fpc/maybe';

Maybe(null) === Nothing; // true
Maybe(undefined) === Nothing; // true

const maybeThree = Maybe(3); // Just(3)
maybeThree.get() === Just(3).get() // true

Note that Just, unlike Maybe, doesn't make any check. A Just instance is always created:

const m1 = Just(null);

m1.isEmpty; // false
m1.get(); // null

const m2 = Maybe('some value');

// `Maybe`s *can* be nested using `Just`
m2 === Just(m2); // false
m2 === Just(m2).get(); // true
Just(Nothing) === Nothing; // false

// They *cannot* be nested using `Maybe`
m2 === Maybe(m2); // true
Maybe(Nothing) === Nothing; // true

Maybe API


This property is true on Nothing, false otherwise.

Maybe(null).isEmpty; // true
Maybe(undefined).isEmpty; // true
Maybe(0).isEmpty; // false


Negation of isEmpty.


Returns value when called on Just(value), throws an error when called on Nothing.

Maybe(0).get(); // 0
Maybe(null).get(); // Error: Trying to get value of Nothing


Like get, allows to customize the Error to throw.

Maybe(null).getOrThrow(new Error('Uh-oh'));


Just(value).filter(fn) returns Just(value) if fn(value) is truthy, otherwise Nothing is returned.

Nothing.filter(fn) is always Nothing.


Just(value).map(fn) returns Maybe(fn(value)), then:

  • If fn(value) returns a Maybe instance, that instance is simply returned by map
  • If fn(value) is null or undefined the method returns Nothing
  • The result will be Just(fn(value)) otherwise

Nothing.map(fn) is always Nothing.


Just(value).forEach(fn) calls fn(value).

Nothing.forEach(fn) does nothing.

forEach always returns the Maybe itself.


Just(value).getOrElse(defaultValue) always returns value.

Nothing.getOrElse(defaultValue) returns defaultValue() if it's a function, just defaultValue otherwise.


Just(value).orElse(defaultValue) always returns Just(value).

Nothing.orElse(defaultValue) returns Maybe(defaultValue()) if it's a function, Maybe(defaultValue) otherwise.


Nothing.toString() is an empty string.

Just(value).toString() returns String(value).


Maybes implement the iterable protocol.

import { Maybe, Nothing, Just } from '@fpc/maybe';

Array.from(Nothing); // []
Array.from(Just(0)); // [ 0 ]

const [ v1 ] = Nothing; // v1 is `undefined`
const [ v2 ] = Just(0); // v2 is `0`

Type specific constructors

Every is* function in @fpc/types has a maybe* counterpart.

import {
} from '@fpc/maybe';

For example maybeArray is defined as:

import { isArray } from '@fpc/types';
import { Nothing, Just } from '@fpc/maybe';

const maybeArray = val => (
  isArray(val) ? new Just(val) : Nothing