
Rest with RxJS and types

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import fundcountTsRxRest from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@fundcount/ts-rx-rest';



RxJs Http client for Typescript.

npm version

Provides convenient typed wrappers for http verbs:

  • doGet
  • doPost
  • doPut
  • doDelete


$ npm install --save ts-rx-rest


import Rest, {errorInterceptor, jsonInterceptor, withCredentialsInterceptors} from 'ts-rx-rest';

const rest = new Rest()
    .wrapRequest(withCredentialsInterceptors) // or .withCredentials()
    .wrap(errorInterceptor) // forwards an XMLHttpRequest object to an error branch of the observable
    .wrap(jsonInterceptor); // converts text representation of the response to json

rest.doGet<Array<User>>('/users').subscribe(users => console.log(users));

Custom interceptors

Request interceptors

const withCredentialsInterceptors = (r: XMLHttpRequest) => {
    r.withCredentials = true;
    return r;

Response interceptors

const accessDenied = (observable: Observable<any>) =>
    observable.doOnError(err => {
        if (err.response.status === 403 || err.response.status === 401) {
            // Do some stuff