
Adds fastify support to your application

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import gasketPluginFastify from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@gasket/plugin-fastify';



Adds Fastify to your application.


New apps

gasket create <app-name> --plugins @gasket/plugin-fastify

Existing apps

npm i @gasket/plugin-fastify

Modify plugins section of your gasket.config.js:

module.exports = {
  plugins: {
    add: [
+      '@gasket/plugin-fastify'


All the configurations for the plugin are added under fastify in the config:

  • compression: true by default. Can to set to false if applying compression differently.
  • excludedRoutesRegex: Regex of the routes to exclude by Fastify.

Example configuration

module.exports = {
  plugins: {
    add: ['@gasket/fastify']
  fastify: {
    compression: false,
    excludedRoutesRegex: /^(?!\/_next\/)/



Executed when the fastify server has been created, it will apply all returned functions as middleware.

module.exports = {
  hooks: {
    * Add Fastify middleware
    * @param {Gasket} gasket The Gasket API
    * @param {Fastify} app - Fastify app instance
    * @returns {function|function[]} middleware(s)
    middleware: function (gasket, app) {
      return require('x-xss-protection')();

You may also return an Array to inject more than one middleware.


Executed after the middleware event for when you need full control over the fastify instance.

module.exports = {
  hooks: {
    * Update Fastify app instance
    * @param {Gasket} gasket The Gasket API
    * @param {Fastify} fastify Fastify app instance
    * @returns {function|function[]} middleware(s)
    fastify: async function (gasket, fastify) {


Executed after the fastify event. All middleware functions returned from this hook will be applied to Fastify.

module.exports = {
  hooks: {
    * Add Fastify error middlewares
    * @param {Gasket} gasket The Gasket API
    * @returns {function|function[]} error middleware(s)
    errorMiddleware: function (gasket) {

How it works

This plugins hooks the createServers lifecycles from @gasket/plugin-https.
