
Dropdown menus built on ember-basic-dropdown, and styled by Bootstrap 4.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import gavantEmberBootstrapDropdown from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@gavant/ember-bootstrap-dropdown';



Dropdown menus built on ember-basic-dropdown, and styled by Bootstrap 4.


  • Ember.js v3.16 or above
  • Ember CLI v2.13 or above
  • Node.js v10 or above
ember install @gavant/ember-bootstrap-dropdown

IMPORTANT: ember-basic-dropdown will be installed along with the addon, and added to your app's package.json. However, if your app already has ember-basic-dropdown as a dependency via another addon, such as ember-power-select, this should be removed from your package.json via yarn remove ember-basic-dropdown.



This addon assumes that the project already has Bootstrap 4 installed, as by default, it applies CSS classes that are compatible with bootstrap's components. However, these classes can be customized if needed.

To use the addon styles, you must use SASS:

ember install ember-cli-sass

Upon addon installation, an @import statement will be added to your app.scss:

@import 'ember-basic-dropdown';
@import 'gavant-ember-bootstrap-dropdown';

IMPORTANT: If your app already has ember-basic-dropdown as a dependency via another addon, such as ember-power-select, the @import "ember-basic-dropdown"; line should be removed.


This addon is simply an extension of ember-basic-dropdown, so you can use the exact same API, with a couple additional components:

<DropdownMenu as |DD|>
    <DD.Trigger @class="btn btn-primary">
    <DD.Content class="dropdown-menu">
        <DropdownAction @dd={{DD} @action={{this.myAction}}>
            Dropdown Action
        <DropdownLink @route="some.route" @dd={{DD}}>
            Dropdown Link


Just an alias of <BasicDropdown>, it maintains the exact same API. It may be extended with additional behaviors/functionality in the future, so its preferred to use this component for all dropdown menus.


Extends Ember.LinkComponent, so provides the same API as <LinkTo>. It adds additional classes to style it correctly in a bootstrap dropdown, and its DD attribute MUST be passed the <DropdownMenu as |DD|>'s yielded DD object (e.g. <DropdownLink @route="route" @dd={{DD}}>Foo</DropdownLink>), in order for the dropdown to close when clicked. The <DropdownLink> also uses ember-link-action behind the scenes to allow for simultaneous action/linkto behavior.


A button element that adds additional classes to style it correctly in a bootstrap dropdown. Link dropdown-link, its DD attribute MUST be passed the <DropdownMenu as |DD|>'s yielded DD object (e.g. <DropdownLink @route="route" @dd={{DD}}>Foo</DropdownLink>), in order for the dropdown to close when clicked.

Additionally, the component may be passed an action via its @action attribute, which will be invoked on click, and the click event object will be sent up as an action param. You may also prevent action bubbling by passing in @bubbles={{false}}.


See the Contributing guide for details.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.