
Data tables built using ember-table

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import gavantEmberTable from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@gavant/ember-table';




Data tables built using ember-table


  • Ember.js v3.16 or above
  • Ember CLI v2.13 or above
  • Node.js v10 or above
ember install @gavant/ember-table


To use the addon styles, you must use SASS:

ember install ember-cli-sass

(Upon addon installation, an import statement will be added to your app.scss)

A minimalist table can be created in the following way:



Where the rows and columns are arrays that follow this pattern:


columns = [
        valuePath: 'date',
        name: 'Date',
        isFixedLeft: true,
        width: 200,
        staticWidth: 200
        valuePath: 'name',
        name: 'Name',
        isFixedLeft: false,
        width: 100,
        staticWidth: 100,
        maxWidth: 100,
        minWidth: 100

rows = [
        date: '1/1/2020',
        name: 'Frodo Baggins'
        date: '1/1/2021',
        name: 'Gandalf the Grey'

It is important to note that staticWidth is a property that is used to calculate column visibility at different breakpoints and is required on each column object.

A footerRows array can be used as an argument as well, often containing table metadata.




footerData = [
    { age: 295 }

Other optional configurations:

@attribute { type: defaultValue } - description

@tableMeta {hash: {} } - A table meta object that is passed to every table component, allowing access from anywhere.

@bufferSize {number: 0} - Used by the table's <VerticalCollection> to render rows before and after the visible collection.
@containerSelector {string: 'body} - The selector used by <VerticalCollection> to calculate occulsion rendering. Set this to `null` for fixed height/scrollable tables.
@constrainColumnsToFit {boolean: true} - Forces the columns to fit within the table container on any column visibility update.
@enableReorder {boolean: false} - Enable/disable column re-ordering.
@enableSort {boolean: false} - Enable/disable row sorting.
@enableUserResize {boolean: false} - Enable/disable column re-sizing. Note: Column objects with max/min widths will not be resizable.
@estimateRowHeight {number: 30} - Used by <VerticalCollection> to estimate the row height when rendering.
@fillColumnIndex {number | null : null} - The column index of the column that will receive any un-allocated width.
@fillMode {string: 'first-column'} - The fill mode used by Ember Table to allocate additional width.
@footerRows {array<any>: []} - The footer rows to be displayed. i.e. for a table with a 'subtotal' column:

    footerRows: { subtotal:500};

@hasMoreRows {boolean: false} - A boolean used to indicate if the table should invoke @loadMoreRows.
@hoverableRows {boolean: true} - Enable/disable hoverable rows.
@isLoading {boolean: false} - Will display a progress spinner within the table when true.
@noResultsText {string: 'No results found'} - Displayed when there are no rows.
@panButtonClass {string: 'btn btn-secondary'} - The class given to the pan-buttons when there are hidden columns.
@renderAll {boolean: false} - Used by <VerticalCollection> to determine if all rows should be rendered.
@resizeDebounce {number: 250} - The debounce time used by the resize listener to update column visibility.
@resizeMode {string: 'standard'} - The resize mode used by EmberTable when resizing columns. Note: @enableUserResize must be true.
@resizeWidthSensitive {boolean: true} - Enable/disable column visibility updates on width resizing.
@showEmptyFooter {boolean: false} - Enable/disable the footer when empty.
@showHeader {boolean: true} - Enable/disable the table header.
@small {boolean: true} - Appends 'table-sm' to the table class when true.
@sortEmptyLast {boolean: false} - When enabled, empty column values will always be sorted last.
@stripedRows {boolean: false} - Enable/disabled striped rows.
@tableClass {string: 'table'} - The class for the EmberTable.
@tableHeight {string: ''} - The height style given to the table. i.e. '300px'
@widthConstraint {string: 'lte-container'} - The width constraint used by EmberTable.
@headerStickyOffset {number: 0} - When column headers are "sticky", this sets their offset (in pixels) from the top of the scrollable container
@footerStickyOffset {number: 0} - When column footers are "sticky", this sets their offset (in pixels) from the bottom of the scrollable container

@loadMoreRows {() => any: null} - A method that updates the rows array when isLoading is false, hasMoreRows is true, and the user has reached the bottom of the table.
@loadPreviousRows {() => any: null} - A method that updates the rows array when isLoading is false, hasMoreRows is true, and the user has reached the top of the table.
@onRowClick {()=> any: null} - The method triggered on row click.
@onRowDoubleClick {()=> any: null} - The method triggered on row double click.
Using the Expandable Row Component

The following is a basic implementation of the expandable-row component pattern.

export default class FooController extends Controller {

    @tracked expandedRows = [];

    get columns() {
        return [
                valuePath: 'name',
                name: 'Name',
                isFixedLeft: false,
                width: 100,
                staticWidth: 100
                valuePath: 'id',
                cellComponent: 'table/cell/button',
                width: 100,
                staticWidth: 100,
                maxWidth: 100,
                minWidth: 100,
                toggleRow: this.toggleRow

    toggleRow(rowValue) {
        const expandedRows = this.expandedRows.concat([]);
        const rowExpanded = expandedRows.includes(rowValue);
        if (rowExpanded) {
            const ind = expandedRows.indexOf(rowValue);
            expandedRows.splice(ind, 1);
        } else {
        this.expandedRows = expandedRows;
import Component from '@glimmer/component';
import { action } from '@ember/object';

export default class TableCellButtonComponent extends Component {
    onClick(event) {
-------- Template ----------
<button type="button" {{on "click" this.onClick}}>Expand Row</button>
<div class="d-flex flex-row justify-content-around">
    <div class="d-flex">
    <div class="alert alert-primary" role="alert">
        Pass in necessary things through the tableMeta hash! {{@tableMeta.bar}}
    <div class="d-flex">
        Look I have access to rowValue here! {{@rowValue.name}}
<div class="d-flex flex-row justify-content-between">
    <span class="badge badge-primary">I can also access the TBody api {{@api.rowMeta.prev}}</span>

More configuration options and api details can be found here: ember-table - vertical-collection


See the Contributing guide for details.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.