
Ember handlebars template linter rules for validating form elements. This plugin assumes that your project has ember-template-lint installed.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import gavantEmberTemplateLintForms from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@gavant/ember-template-lint-forms';



Ember handlebars template linter rules for validating form elements. This plugin assumes that your project has ember-template-lint installed.


yarn add --dev @gavant/ember-template-lint-forms

Then update your template-lintrc.js file to contain the following:

module.exports = {
    extends: ['recommended', '@gavant/ember-template-lint-forms:forms'],
    plugins: ['@gavant/ember-template-lint-forms'],
    rules: {

Limitations & Caveats

Currently, this plugin only validates that textual input elements (e.g. type="text|password|email|...") have a maxlength attribute defined.

Only native HTML <input> elements and <AngleBracket> invocation style ember components <Input> and <FlInput> (from the ember-floating-labels addon) are validated.

Future Improvements

  • Add more validation rules!
  • Allow customizing what ember components should be validated (e.g. <MyAwesomeInput>)