
A tool to scaffold boilerplates

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import gbrachettaFrames from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@gbrachetta/frames';



A scaffolding package to bootstrap boilerplates

   |  ___| __ __ _ _ __ ___   ___  ___
   | |_ | '__/ _` | '_ ` _ \ / _ \/ __|
   |  _|| | | (_| | | | | | |  __/\__ \
   |_|  |_|  \__,_|_| |_| |_|\___||___/


            WELCOME TO FRAMES!

          The Scaffolding package


? Please select your framework (Use arrow keys)
❯ React

How to install

yarn global add @gbrachetta/frames

or using npm

npm -i -g @gbrachetta/frames

How to use

Run frames in your terminal and select one of the options in the menu.

NOTE: Run Frames in the parent folder of the project to be created


Frames creates a starting template in the chosen framework. It comes setup with several features:

  • React, Next.js, Vite-React, Vite-Vue:

    • Linters and formatters are preconfigured.
    • The app starts after linting, formatting and commiting to a local git repository.
  • Django:

    • It assumes using AWS to store static files, and the production variables have been added accordingly (but they only load in case there's a USE_AWS=True variable in the environment).
    • It also assumes deploying on Heroku to make use of their database, but that can be easily changed to any other database set of variables in your-app-name/settings/production.py.
    • Provides a script to rename the project.
    • It includes a handy django toolbar (only available in the development environment) that facilitates debugging.
    • The app also includes useful settings to develop a Django app on VS Code, and a launch.json file to run the server in debugging mode using the integrated debugger in VS Code. Feel free to delete these and the parent .vscode folder if you use some other editor.
    • It uses split settings for dev and prod.

Further notes and/or instructions available in each particular readme file created after running the script.