
A Leaflet Plugin For Editing Geometry Layers in Leaflet 1.0

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<script type="module">
  import geomanIoLeafletGeomanFree from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@geoman-io/leaflet-geoman-free';


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Leaflet Plugin For Creating And Editing Geometry Layers
Draw, Edit, Drag, Cut, Rotate, Split⭐, Scale⭐, Measure⭐, Snap and Pin⭐ Layers
Supports Markers, CircleMarkers, Polylines, Polygons, Circles, Rectangles, ImageOverlays, LayerGroups, GeoJSON, MultiLineStrings and MultiPolygons

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Features marked with ⭐ in this documentation are available in Leaflet-Geoman Pro. Purchase Pro or get in touch



Migrate from Leaflet.PM

npm uninstall leaflet.pm  
npm i @geoman-io/leaflet-geoman-free  

That's it.

Install via npm

npm i @geoman-io/leaflet-geoman-free  

Install Manually

leaflet-geoman.css and
and include them in your project.

Include via CDN


<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/@geoman-io/leaflet-geoman-free@latest/dist/leaflet-geoman.css" />  


<script src="https://unpkg.com/@geoman-io/leaflet-geoman-free@latest/dist/leaflet-geoman.min.js"></script>  

Include as ES6 Module

import '@geoman-io/leaflet-geoman-free';  
import '@geoman-io/leaflet-geoman-free/dist/leaflet-geoman.css';  

Getting Started

Init Leaflet-Geoman

Just include leaflet-geoman.min.js right after Leaflet. It initializes itself. If
you want certain layers to be ignored by Leaflet-Geoman, pass pmIgnore: true to
their options when creating them. Example:

L.marker([51.50915, -0.096112], { pmIgnore: true }).addTo(map);  

Enable Leaflet-Geoman on an ignored layer:

layer.setStyle({pmIgnore: false});
// layer.options.pmIgnore = false; // If the layer is a LayerGroup / FeatureGroup / GeoJSON this line is needed too

If Opt-In (look below) is true, a layers pmIgnore property has to be set to false to get initiated.


If you want to use Leaflet-Geoman as opt-in, call the following function right after importing:


And to disable it:


If you have enabled opt-in before you init the map, you need to specify pmIgnore: false in the map options:

const map = L.map('map', { pmIgnore: false });

All layers will be ignored by Leaflet-Geoman, unless you specify pmIgnore: false on a layer:

L.marker([51.50915, -0.096112], { pmIgnore: false }).addTo(map);

Newly drawn layers will be ignored as well.

To prevent this you can add the following event handler:

map.on('pm:create', (e) => {
  e.layer.setStyle({ pmIgnore: false });

Leaflet-Geoman Toolbar

Leaflet-Geoman Toolbar

You can add a toolbar to the map to use Leaflet-Geoman features via a user interface.

// add Leaflet-Geoman controls with some options to the map  
  position: 'topleft',  
  drawCircle: false,  

The following methods are available on map.pm:

Method Returns Description
addControls(options) - Adds the Toolbar to the map. The options are optional.
removeControls() - Removes the Toolbar from the map.
toggleControls() - Toggle the visiblity of the Toolbar.
controlsVisible() Boolean Returns true if the Toolbar is visible on the map.

See the available options in the table below.

Option Default Description
position 'topleft' Toolbar position, possible values are 'topleft', 'topright', 'bottomleft', 'bottomright'
positions Object The position of each block (draw, edit, custom, options⭐) can be customized. If not set, the value from position is taken. Default: {draw: '', edit: '', options: '', custom: ''} Block Position
drawMarker true Adds button to draw Markers.
drawCircleMarker true Adds button to draw CircleMarkers.
drawPolyline true Adds button to draw Line.
drawRectangle true Adds button to draw Rectangle.
drawPolygon true Adds button to draw Polygon.
drawCircle true Adds button to draw Circle.
editMode true Adds button to toggle Edit Mode for all layers.
dragMode true Adds button to toggle Drag Mode for all layers.
cutPolygon true Adds button to cut a hole in a Polygon or Line.
removalMode true Adds a button to remove layers.
rotateMode true Adds a button to rotate layers.
oneBlock false All buttons will be displayed as one block Customize Controls.
drawControls true Shows all draw buttons / buttons in the draw block.
editControls true Shows all edit buttons / buttons in the edit block.
customControls true Shows all buttons in the custom block.
optionsControls true Shows all options buttons / buttons in the option block ⭐.
pinningOption true Adds a button to toggle the Pinning Option ⭐.
snappingOption true Adds a button to toggle the Snapping Option ⭐.
splitMode true Adds a button to toggle the Split Mode for all layers ⭐.
scaleMode true Adds a button to toggle the Scale Mode for all layers ⭐.

To pass options to the buttons you have two ways:

// make polygon not snappable during draw  
map.pm.enableDraw('Polygon',{ snappable: false }); 
// make all layers not snappable during draw  
map.pm.setGlobalOptions({ snappable: false }); 

The options will persist, even when the mode is enabled/disabled via the toolbar.

All available options for drawing and editing are specified in the sections below.

Draw Mode

Use Draw Mode on a map like this:

// enable polygon Draw Mode
map.pm.enableDraw('Polygon', {
  snappable: true,
  snapDistance: 20,

// disable Draw Mode

Currently available shapes are Marker, CircleMarker, Circle, Line, Rectangle, Polygon and Cut.

The following methods are available on map.pm:

Method Returns Description
enableDraw(shape,options) - Enable Draw Mode with the passed shape. The options are optional.
disableDraw() - Disable Draw Mode.
Draw.getShapes() Array Array of available shapes.
Draw.getActiveShape() String Returns the active shape.
globalDrawModeEnabled() Boolean Returns true if global Draw Mode is enabled. false when disabled.
setPathOptions(options, optionsModifier) - Customize the style of the drawn layer. Only for L.Path layers. Shapes can be excluded with a ignoreShapes array or merged with the current style with merge: true in optionsModifier Details.
setGlobalOptions(options) - Set globalOptions and apply them.
applyGlobalOptions() - Apply the current globalOptions to all existing layers.
getGlobalOptions() Object Returns the globalOptions.
getGeomanLayers(Boolean) Array Returns all Leaflet-Geoman layers on the map as array. Pass true to get a L.FeatureGroup.
getGeomanDrawLayers(Boolean) Array Returns all drawn Leaflet-Geoman layers on the map as array. Pass true to get a L.FeatureGroup.

See the available options in the table below.

Option Default Description
snappable true Enable snapping to other layers vertices for precision drawing. Can be disabled by holding the ALT key.
snapDistance 20 The distance to another vertex when a snap should happen.
snapMiddle false Allow snapping in the middle of two vertices (middleMarker).
snapSegment true Allow snapping between two vertices.
requireSnapToFinish false Require the last point of a shape to be snapped.
tooltips true Show helpful tooltips for your user.
allowSelfIntersection true Allow self intersections.
templineStyle { color: 'red' }, Leaflet path options for the lines between drawn vertices/markers.
hintlineStyle { color: 'red', dashArray: [5, 5] } Leaflet path options for the helper line between last drawn vertex and the cursor.
pathOptions null Leaflet path options for the drawn layer (Only for L.Path layers).
markerStyle { draggable: true } Leaflet marker options (only for drawing markers).
cursorMarker true Show a marker at the cursor.
finishOn null Leaflet layer event to finish the drawn shape, like 'dblclick'. Here's a list. snap is also an option for Line, Polygon and Rectangle.
hideMiddleMarkers false Hide the middle Markers in Edit Mode from Polyline and Polygon.
minRadiusCircle null Set the min radius of a Circle.
maxRadiusCircle null Set the max radius of a Circle.
minRadiusCircleMarker null Set the min radius of a CircleMarker when editable is active.
maxRadiusCircleMarker null Set the max radius of a CircleMarker when editable is active.
editable false Makes a CircleMarker editable like a Circle.
markerEditable true Markers and CircleMarkers are editable during the draw-session (you can drag them around immediately after drawing them).
continueDrawing false / true Draw Mode stays enabled after finishing a layer to immediately draw the next layer. Defaults to true for Markers and CircleMarkers and false for all other layers.
rectangleAngle 0 Rectangle can drawn with a rotation angle 0-360 degrees
layersToCut [] Cut-Mode: Only the passed layers can be cut. Cutted layers are removed from the Array until no layers are left anymore and cutting is working on all layers again.

This options can only set over map.pm.setGlobalOptions({}):

Option Default Description
layerGroup map Add the created layers to a layergroup instead to the map.

You can listen to map events to hook into the drawing procedure like this:

map.on('pm:drawstart', (e) => {

Here's a list of map events you can listen to:

Event Params Description Output
pm:globaldrawmodetoggled e Fired when Drawing Mode is toggled. enabled, shape, map
pm:drawstart e Called when Draw Mode is enabled. Payload includes the shape type and working layer. shape, workingLayer
pm:drawend e Called when Draw Mode is disabled. Payload includes the shape type. shape
pm:create e Called when a shape is drawn/finished. Payload includes shape type and the drawn layer. shape, layer

There are also several events for layers during draw. Register an event like this:

// listen to vertexes being added to currently drawn layer (called workingLayer)
map.on('pm:drawstart', ({ workingLayer }) => {
  workingLayer.on('pm:vertexadded', (e) => {

Here's a list of layer events you can listen to:

Event Params Description Output
pm:vertexadded e Called when a new vertex is added. Payload includes the new vertex, it's marker, index, working layer and shape type. shape, workingLayer, marker, latlng
pm:snapdrag e Fired during a marker move/drag. Payload includes info about involved layers and snapping calculation. shape, distance, layer = workingLayer, marker, layerInteractedWith, segment, snapLatLng
pm:snap e Fired when a vertex is snapped. Payload is the same as in snapdrag. shape, distance, layer = workingLayer, marker, layerInteractedWith, segment, snapLatLng
pm:unsnap e Fired when a vertex is unsnapped. Payload is the same as in snapdrag. shape, distance, layer = workingLayer, marker, layerInteractedWith, segment, snapLatLng
pm:centerplaced e Called when the center of a circle is placed/moved. shape, workingLayer, latlng

For making the snapping to other layers selective, you can add the "snapIgnore" option to your layers to disable the snapping to them during drawing.

//This layer will be ignored by the snapping engine during drawing
L.geoJSON(data, {
  snapIgnore: true,

Edit Mode

You can enable Edit Mode for all layers on a map like this:

// enable global Edit Mode

The following methods are available on map.pm:

Method Returns Description
enableGlobalEditMode(options) - Enables global Edit Mode.
disableGlobalEditMode() - Disables global Edit Mode.
toggleGlobalEditMode(options) - Toggles global Edit Mode.
globalEditModeEnabled() Boolean Returns true if global Edit Mode is enabled. false when disabled.

Enable Edit Mode only for one layer:

// enable Edit Mode
  allowSelfIntersection: false,

The following methods are available for layers under layer.pm:

Method Returns Description
enable(options) - Enables Edit Mode. The passed options are preserved, even when the mode is enabled via the Toolbar. options is optional.
disable() - Disables Edit Mode.
toggleEdit(options) - Toggles Edit Mode. Passed options are preserved. options is optional.
enabled() Boolean Returns true if Edit Mode is enabled. false when disabled.
hasSelfIntersection() Boolean Returns true if Line or Polygon has a self intersection.
remove() - Removes the layer with the same checks as GlobalRemovalMode.
getShape() String Returns the shape of the layer.
setOptions(options) - Set the options on the layer.
getOptions() Object Returns the options of the layer.

See the available options in the table below.

Option Default Description
snappable true Enable snapping to other layers vertices for precision drawing. Can be disabled by holding the ALT key.
snapDistance 20 The distance to another vertex when a snap should happen.
allowSelfIntersection true Allow/Disallow self-intersections on Polygons and Polylines.
allowSelfIntersectionEdit false Allow/Disallow to change vertices they are connected to a intersecting line. Only working if allowSelfIntersection is true and the layer is already self-intersecting while enabling Edit Mode.
preventMarkerRemoval false Disable the removal of markers/vertexes via right click.
removeLayerBelowMinVertexCount true If true, vertex removal that cause a layer to fall below their minimum required vertices will remove the entire layer. If false, these vertices can't be removed. Minimum vertices are 2 for Lines and 3 for Polygons.
syncLayersOnDrag false Defines which layers should dragged with this layer together. true syncs all layers in the same LayerGroup(s) or you pass an Array of layers to sync.
allowEditing true Edit-Mode for the layer can disabled (pm.enable()).
allowRemoval true Removing can be disabled for the layer.
allowCutting true Layer can be prevented from cutting.
allowRotation true Layer can be prevented from rotation.
draggable true Dragging can be disabled for the layer.
addVertexOn click Leaflet layer event to add a vertex to a Line or Polygon, like 'dblclick'. Here's a list.
addVertexValidation undefined A function for validation if a vertex (of a Line / Polygon) is allowed to add. It passes a object with [layer, marker, event}. For example to check if the layer has a certain property or if the Ctrl key is pressed.
removeVertexOn contextmenu Leaflet layer event to remove a vertex from a Line or Polygon, like 'dblclick'. Here's a list.
removeVertexValidation undefined A function for validation if a vertex (of a Line / Polygon) is allowed to remove. It passes a object with [layer, marker, event}. For example to check if the layer has a certain property or if the Ctrl key is pressed.
moveVertexValidation undefined A function for validation if a vertex / helper-marker is allowed to move / drag. It passes a object with [layer, marker, event}. For example to check if the layer has a certain property or if the Ctrl key is pressed.
limitMarkersToCount -1 Shows only n markers closest to the cursor. Use -1 for no limit.
limitMarkersToZoom -1 Shows markers when under the given zoom level. ⭐
limitMarkersToViewport false Shows only markers in the viewport. ⭐
limitMarkersToClick false Shows markers only after the layer was clicked. ⭐
pinning false Pin shared vertices/markers together during edit Details. ⭐
centerScaling true Scale origin is the center, else it is the opposite corner. If false Alt-Key can be used. Scale Mode. ⭐
uniformScaling true Width and height are scaled with the same ratio. If false Shift-Key can be used. Scale Mode. ⭐

You can listen to events related to editing on events like this:

// listen to when a layer is changed in Edit Mode
layer.on('pm:edit', (e) => {

The following events are available on a layer instance:

Event Params Description Output
pm:edit e Fired when a layer is edited. layer, shape
pm:update e Fired when Edit Mode is disabled and a layer is edited and its coordinates have changed. layer, shape
pm:enable e Fired when Edit Mode on a layer is enabled. layer, shape
pm:disable e Fired when Edit Mode on a layer is disabled. layer, shape
pm:vertexadded e Fired when a vertex is added. layer, indexPath, latlng, marker, shape
pm:vertexremoved e Fired when a vertex is removed. layer, indexPath, marker, shape
pm:vertexclick e Fired when a vertex is clicked. layer, indexPath, markerEvent, shape
pm:markerdragstart e Fired when dragging of a marker which corresponds to a vertex starts. layer, indexPath, markerEvent, shape
pm:markerdrag e Fired when dragging a vertex-marker. layer, indexPath, markerEvent, shape
pm:markerdragend e Fired when dragging of a vertex-marker ends. layer, indexPath, markerEvent, shape, intersectionReset
pm:layerreset e Fired when coords of a layer are reset. E.g. by self-intersection. layer, indexPath, markerEvent, shape
pm:snapdrag e Fired during a marker move/drag. Payload includes info about involved layers and snapping calculation. shape, distance, layer = workingLayer, marker, layerInteractedWith, segment, snapLatLng
pm:snap e Fired when a vertex-marker is snapped to another vertex. Also fired on the marker itself. shape, distance, layer = workingLayer, marker, layerInteractedWith, segment, snapLatLng
pm:unsnap e Fired when a vertex-marker is unsnapped from a vertex. Also fired on the marker itself. shape, distance, layer = workingLayer, marker, layerInteractedWith, segment, snapLatLng
pm:intersect e When allowSelfIntersection: false, this event is fired as soon as a self-intersection is detected. layer, intersection, shape
pm:centerplaced e Fired when the center of a circle is moved. layer, latlng, shape

The following events are available on a map instance:

Event Params Description Output
pm:globaleditmodetoggled e Fired when Edit Mode is toggled. enabled, map

You can also listen to specific Edit Mode events on the map instance like this:

map.on('pm:globaleditmodetoggled', (e) => {

Drag Mode

You can enable Drag Mode for all layers on a map like this:

// enable Drag Mode like this:

Or you enable dragging for a specific layer:


The following methods are available on layer.pm:

Method Returns Description
enableLayerDrag() - Enables dragging for the layer.
disableLayerDrag() - Disables dragging for the layer.
layerDragEnabled() Boolean Returns if Drag Mode is enabled for the layer.
dragging() Boolean Returns if the layer is currently dragging.

The following methods are available on map.pm:

Method Returns Description
enableGlobalDragMode() - Enables global Drag Mode.
disableGlobalDragMode() - Disables global Drag Mode.
toggleGlobalDragMode() - Toggles global Drag Mode.
globalDragModeEnabled() Boolean Returns true if global Drag Mode is enabled. false when disabled.

The following events are available on a layer instance:

Event Params Description Output
pm:dragstart e Fired when a layer starts being dragged. layer, shape
pm:drag e Fired when a layer is dragged. layer, containerPoint,latlng, layerPoint,originalEvent, shape
pm:dragend e Fired when a layer stops being dragged. layer, shape

The following events are available on a map instance:

Event Params Description Output
pm:globaldragmodetoggled e Fired when Drag Mode is toggled. enabled, map

You can also listen to specific Drag Mode events on the map instance like this:

map.on('pm:globaldragmodetoggled', (e) => {

Removal Mode

You can enable Removal Mode for all layers on a map like this:

// enable removal mode like this:

The following methods are available on map.pm:

Method Returns Description
enableGlobalRemovalMode() - Enables global removal mode.
disableGlobalRemovalMode() - Disables global removal mode.
toggleGlobalRemovalMode() - Toggles global removal mode.
globalRemovalModeEnabled() Boolean Returns true if global removal mode is enabled. false when disabled.

The following events are available on a layer instance:

Event Params Description Output
pm:remove e Fired when a layer is removed via Removal Mode layer, shape

The following events are available on a map instance:

Event Params Description Output
pm:globalremovalmodetoggled e Fired when Removal Mode is toggled enabled, map
pm:remove e Fired when a layer is removed via Removal Mode layer, shape
layerremove e Standard Leaflet event. Fired when any layer is removed. layer

You can also listen to specific removal mode events on the map instance like this:

map.on('pm:globalremovalmodetoggled', (e) => {

Cut Mode

cut polygon

Enables drawing for the shape "Cut" to draw a polygon that gets subtracted from all underlying polygons. This way you can create holes, cut polygons or polylines in half or remove parts of it.

Important: the cutted layer will be replaced, not updated. Listen to the pm:cut event to update your layer references in your code. The pm:cut event will provide you with the original layer and returns the resulting layer(s) that is/are added to the map as a Polygon / MultiPolygon or Polyline / MultiPolyline.

// enable cutting mode
  allowSelfIntersection: false,

Available options are the same as in Draw Mode. If the option layersToCut: [layer1, layer2] is passed, only this certain layers will be cutted.

The following methods are available on map.pm:

Method Returns Description
enableGlobalCutMode(options) - Enable Cut Mode.
disableGlobalCutMode() - Disable Cut Mode.
toggleGlobalCutMode(options) - Toggle Cut Mode.
globalCutModeEnabled() Boolean Returns true if global cut mode is enabled. false when disabled.

The following events are available on a layer instance:

Event Params Description Output
pm:cut e Fired when the layer being cut. shape, layer, originalLayer
pm:edit e Fired when a layer is edited / cut. layer, shape

The following events are available on a map instance:

Event Params Description Output
pm:globalcutmodetoggled e Fired when Cut Mode is toggled. enabled, map
pm:cut e Fired when any layer is being cut. shape, layer, originalLayer

Rotation Mode

Rotation Feature

The rotation is clockwise. It starts in the North with 0° and goes over East (90°) and South (180°) to West (270°). The rotation center is the center (layer.getCenter()) of a Polygon with the LatLngs of the layer.

You can enable Rotate Mode for all layers on a map like this:


The following methods are available on map.pm:

Method Returns Description
enableGlobalRotateMode() - Enables global Rotate Mode.
disableGlobalRotateMode() - Disables global Rotate Mode.
toggleGlobalRotateMode() - Toggles global Rotate Mode.
globalRotateModeEnabled() Boolean Returns true if global Rotate Mode is enabled. false when disabled.

The following methods are available for layers under layer.pm:

Method Returns Description
enableRotate() - Enables Rotate Mode on the layer.
disableRotate() - Disables Rotate Mode on the layer.
rotateEnabled() Boolean Returns if Rotate Mode is enabled for the layer.
rotateLayer(degrees) - Rotates the layer by x degrees.
rotateLayerToAngle(degrees) - Rotates the layer to x degrees.
getAngle() Degrees Returns the angle of the layer in degrees.

The following events are available on a layer instance:

Event Params Description Output
pm:rotateenable e Fired when rotation is enabled for a layer. layer, helpLayer
pm:rotatedisable e Fired when rotation is disabled for a layer. layer
pm:rotatestart e Fired when rotation starts on a layer. layer, helpLayer, startAngle, originLatLngs
pm:rotate e Fired when a layer is rotated. layer, helpLayer, startAngle, angle, angleDiff, oldLatLngs, newLatLngs
pm:rotateend e Fired when rotation ends on a layer. layer, helpLayer, startAngle, angle, originLatLngs, newLatLngs

The following events are available on a map instance:

Event Params Description Output
pm:globalrotatemodetoggled e Fired when Rotate Mode is toggled. enabled, map
pm:rotateenable e Fired when rotation is enabled for a layer. layer, helpLayer
pm:rotatedisable e Fired when rotation is disabled for a layer. layer
pm:rotatestart e Fired when rotation starts on a layer. layer, helpLayer, startAngle, originLatLngs
pm:rotate e Fired when a layer is rotated. layer, helpLayer, startAngle, angle, angleDiff, oldLatLngs, newLatLngs
pm:rotateend e Fired when rotation ends on a layer. layer, helpLayer, startAngle, angle, originLatLngs, newLatLngs

Split Mode ⭐

Split Mode Demo

Enable drawing for the shape "Split" to draw a line that splits all underlying Polygons and Polylines.

Important: the splitted layer will be replaced, not updated. Listen to the pm:split event to update your layer references in your code. The pm:split event will provide you with the original layer and returns the resulting layer(s) that is/are added to the map as a Polygon / MultiPolygon or Polyline / MultiPolyline.

// enable cutting mode
  allowSelfIntersection: false,

Available options are the same as in Draw Mode and in table below:

Option Default Description
splitOnlyMarkedLayers false If it is set to false layers can be excluded with the option splitMark: false. Set it to true to enable splitting only for the layers with the option splitMark: true.

The following methods are available on map.pm:

Method Returns Description
enableGlobalSplitMode(options) - Enable Split Mode.
disableGlobalSplitMode() - Disable Split Mode.
toggleGlobalSplitMode(options) - Toggle Split Mode.
globalSplitModeEnabled() Boolean Returns true if global Split Mode is enabled. false when disabled.

The following events are available on a layer instance:

Event Params Description Output
pm:split e Fired when the layer being split. Returns a LayerGroup containing all resulting layers in layers. shape, splitLayer, layers, originalLayer

The following events are available on a map instance:

Event Params Description Output
pm:globalsplitmodetoggled e Fired when Split Mode is toggled. enabled, map
pm:split e Fired when any layer is being split. shape, splitLayer, layers, originalLayer

Scale Mode ⭐

You can enable Scale Mode for all layers on a map like this:


With the option centerScaling the scale origin cen be the center of the layer or the opposite corner of the dragged marker. If false Alt-Key can be used. The option uniformScaling the scales the width and the height with the same ratio. If false Shift-Key can be used.

The following methods are available on map.pm:

Method Returns Description
enableGlobalScaleMode() - Enables global Scale Mode.
disableGlobalScaleMode() - Disables global Scale Mode.
toggleGlobalScaleMode() - Toggles global Scale Mode.
globalScaleModeEnabled() Boolean Returns true if global Scale Mode is enabled. false when disabled.

The following methods are available for layers under layer.pm:

Method Returns Description
enableScale() - Enables Scale Mode on the layer.
disableScale() - Disables Scale Mode on the layer.
scaleEnabled() Boolean Returns if Scale Mode is enabled for the layer.
scaleLayer(percent) - Scale the layer by x percent. Also an Object with {w: width, h: height} can be passed. Scale up > 0 , scale down < 0.

The following events are available on a layer instance:

Event Params Description Output
pm:scaleenable e Fired when scale is enabled for a layer. layer, helpLayer
pm:scaledisable e Fired when scale is disabled for a layer. layer
pm:scalestart e Fired when scale starts on a layer. layer, helpLayer, originLatLngs, originLatLngs
pm:scale e Fired when a layer is scaled. layer, helpLayer, oldLatLngs, newLatLngs
pm:scaleend e Fired when scale ends on a layer. layer, helpLayer, originLatLngs, newLatLngs

The following events are available on a map instance:

Event Params Description Output
pm:globalscalemodetoggled e Fired when Scale Mode is toggled. enabled, map
pm:scaleenable e Fired when scale is enabled for a layer. layer, helpLayer
pm:scaledisable e Fired when scale is disabled for a layer. layer
pm:scalestart e Fired when scale starts on a layer. layer, helpLayer, originLatLngs, originLatLngs
pm:scale e Fired when a layer is scaled. layer, helpLayer, oldLatLngs, newLatLngs
pm:scaleend e Fired when scale ends on a layer. layer, helpLayer, originLatLngs, newLatLngs


You have many options available when drawing and editing your layers (described above).
You can set the options per layer as described above, or you can set them globally for all layers. This is especially useful when you use the toolbar and can't change the options programmatically.


layer.pm.enable({ pinning: true, snappable: false });
map.pm.setGlobalOptions({ pinning: true, snappable: false });

The following options are additionally to the Draw and Edit Mode options.

Option Default Description
snappingOrder Array Prioritize the order of snapping. Default: ['Marker','CircleMarker','Circle','Line','Polygon','Rectangle'].
layerGroup map add the created layers to a layergroup instead to the map.
panes Object Defines in which panes the layers and helper vertices are created. Default: { vertexPane: 'markerPane', layerPane: 'overlayPane', markerPane: 'markerPane' }.

Some details about a few more powerful options:


Snap the dragged marker/vertex to other layers for precision drawing.
Snapping can be disabled for layers with the layer option snapIgnore: true. With snapIgnore: false it will be always snappable, also if pmIgnore is set. Can also be disabled by holding the ALT key.

Snapping Options

Pinning ⭐

When dragging a vertex/marker, you can pin all other Markers/Vertices that have the same latlng to the dragged marker. Exclusive for Leaflet-Geoman Pro ⭐

Pinning Option

Measurement ⭐

Measurement Demo

Calculates the measurement of a layer while drawing and editing. Exclusive for Leaflet-Geoman Pro ⭐

map.pm.setGlobalOptions({ measurements: { measurement: true, displayFormat: 'metric', ... } })

See the available options in the table below.

Option Default Description
measurement true Enable measurement calculation.
showTooltip true Shows the tooltip during draw and edit.
showTooltipOnHover true Shows the tooltip when hovering a finished layer.
displayFormat metric Displayed format in the tooltip metric or imperial.
totalLength true Shows the total length in the tooltip Line.
segmentLength true Shows the segment length in the tooltip Line, Polygon.
area true Shows the area in the tooltip Polygon, Rectangle, Circle, CircleMarker.
radius true Shows the radius in the tooltip Circle, CircleMarker.
perimeter true Shows the perimeter in the tooltip Polygon, Rectangle, Circle, CircleMarker.
height true Shows the height in the tooltip Rectangle.
width true Shows the width in the tooltip Rectangle.
coordinates true Shows the coordinates in the tooltip Marker, CircleMarker and the current dragged marker while drawing / editing.


Leaflet-Geoman can only work correct with L.FeatureGroup and L.GeoJSON (the extended versions of L.LayerGroup) we need the events layeradd and layerremove.

The following methods are available for LayerGroups on layergroup.pm:

| Method | Retu