
Circuit Schema | Svelte Documentation | Google Maps Documentation

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import getcircuitWebMap from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@getcircuit/web-map';


Circuit Schema | Svelte Documentation | Google Maps Documentation



The general way to use this component is to instatiate it as you would with any other Svelte component.

import CircuitMap from '@getcircuit/web-map'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import React from 'react'
import { Avatar } from '@getcircuit/components'
import { AttemptedLocationCard } from '../somewhere'

const mapInstance = new CircuitMap({
  target: document.querySelector('#map'),
  props: {
    apiKey: '...',
    mapOptions: {
      center: { lat: 51.509865, lng: -0.118092 },
      zoom: 15,
    react: {
      components: {



Google maps API key.


Google maps options object.


Used to render react elements inside the map component. It must be an object that matches the following type:

type ReactBag = {
  React: ReactLib
  ReactDOM: ReactDOMLib
  components: {
    Avatar: CircuitAvatarComponent
    AttemptedLocationCard?: CircuitAttemptedLocationCard


setIntl(newIntl: IntlStore): void

Updates the map's Intl bag. An Intl bag is an object composed of the following properties:

type IntlBag {
  /** Current locale */
  locale: string
  /** Method that returns a localised message given a message id */
  formatMessage: (messageId: string, values?: Record<string, any>) => string
  /** Method that formats an epoch timestamp given the current locale */
  formatEpoch: (epoch: EpochTimestamp) => string

setMapOptions(options: google.maps.MapOptions): void

Updates map's Google Map options.

setCenter(center: google.maps.LatLngLiteral | google.maps.LatLng): void

Changes the center of the map to the specified point.

fitCoordinates(coords?: google.maps.LatLngLiteral[]): void

Moves the map camera to fit all the passed coordinates.

setPlan(newPlan?: PlanBundle): void

Updates the current plan that is being displayed on the map. Set to undefined to remove the current plan.

focusRoute(routeId: string): void

Focuses the given route on the map.

focusStop(stopId: string): void

Focuses the given stop on the map.

resetFocus(): void

Resets the map focus state.

hoverRoute(routeId: string): void

Hovers the given route on the map.

hoverStop(stopId: string): void

Hovers the given stop on the map.

resetHover(): void

Resets the map hover state.

openAttemptedLocationCard(): void

Opens the Attempted Location Card component for the current focused stop.

closeAttemptedLocationCard(): void

Closes the Attempted Location Card component.